

class A(models.Model):

class B(models.Model):
   parents = models.ManyToManyField(A, related_name='children')

>>> A._meta.get_all_field_names()
['children', u'id']

>>> B._meta.get_all_field_names()
[u'id', 'parents']

我可以得到 a.children.all() b.parents.all()的模型实例的孩子和父母的集合

I can get the sets of children and parents of model instances with a.children.all() and b.parents.all()

class FK(models.Model):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='child')

>>> FK._meta.get_all_field_names()
['child', u'id', 'parent']

现在,任何 FK 实例都可以使用 fk.parent 和<$ c来获取其父项和子项。 $ c> fk.child

Any instance of FK will now be able to get both its parent and its child with fk.parent and fk.child

class M2M(models.Model):
    parents = models.ManyToManyField('self', related_name='children')

>>> M2M._meta.get_all_field_names()
[u'id', 'parents']

,就像我可以访问 a.children fk.child 一样,我也可以访问 m2m.children

One would expect that, like I could access a.children and fk.child, I would also be able to access m2m.children. This seems to not be the case.

我如何访问 m2m.children

我正在使用Django 1.6.5。

I'm using Django 1.6.5.

以说,设置 symmetrical = False 可以解决此问题。在中,解释为:

As Daniel Roseman's answer said, setting symmetrical=False solves the problem. In a Django ticket it is explained as:

使用 symmetrical = False ,在 related_name 中指定的反向关系为就像在外键情况下创建的一样:

With symmetrical=False, the reverse relation specified in the related_name is created just like in the foreign key case:

class M2M(models.Model):
    parents = models.ManyToManyField('self', related_name='children', symmetrical=False)

>>> M2M._meta.get_all_field_names()
[u'id', 'parents', children]

>>> parent.children.add(child)
>>> parent.children.all()  # returns QuerySet containing the child
>>> child.parents.all()    # returns QuerySet containing the parent



您需要设置 symmetrical = False 。作为 ManyToManyField的文档说:


If you do not want symmetry in many-to-many relationships with self, set symmetrical to False. This will force Django to add the descriptor for the reverse relationship, allowing ManyToManyField relationships to be non-symmetrical.


09-05 02:58