

我正在使用XML共享HTML内容。 AFAIK,我可以通过以下方式嵌入HTML:

I am using XML to share HTML content. AFAIK, I could embed the HTML either by:

  • 对其进行编码:我不知道使用它是否完全安全。并且我将不得不再次对其进行解码。

  • Encoding it: I don't know if it is completely safe to use. And I would have to decode it again.


Use CDATA sections: I could still have problems if the content contains the closing tag "]]>" and certain hexadecimal characters, I believe. On the other hand, the XML parser would extract the info transparently for me.


更新:xml将用Java创建,并作为字符串传递给.net Web服务,否则将被解析。因此,我需要能够将xml导出为字符串并使用 doc.LoadXml(xmlString);

UPDATE: The xml will be created in java and passed as a string to a .net web service, were it will be parsed back. Therefore I need to be able to export the xml as a string and load it using "doc.LoadXml(xmlString);"



The two options are almost exactly the same. Here are your two choices:

<html>This is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;</html>

<html><![CDATA[This is <b>bold</b>]]></html>


In both cases, you have to check your string for special characters to be escaped. Lots of people pretend that CDATA strings don't need any escaping, but as you point out, you have to make sure that "]]>" doesn't slip in unescaped.


In both cases, the XML processor will return your string to you decoded.


08-01 14:19