

查看mdnquerySelector会在两个部分下弹出,但它们似乎都达到了相同的目的。对于不同的情况,哪一个是理想的? ......或者它们在功能上是否相同?

Looking through the mdn "querySelector" pops up under both sections and yet they both seem to achieve the same ends. Is either one ideal for different situations? ...or are they, basically, functionally the same?


使用 Element.querySelector()因为与 Document.querySelector();

相比,你引用的是较窄的目标在这两种方式中,您都可以访问,但由于起点始终为 document 使用 Document.querySelector()您将完全从根遍历dom,直到子元素匹配为止。

in both ways you'll have access to the DOM tree, but since the starting point is always document using Document.querySelector() you'll be traversing the dom entirely from the root until a child element will match.


On the other hand Element is already a reference to a certain node so the query won't begin from root, with all that comes with it ...


09-11 21:56