

有没有办法在 c# 或 vb.net 中将 List(of Object) 转换为 List(of String) 而不遍历所有项目?(幕后迭代很好——我只想要简洁的代码)

Is there a way to convert a List(of Object) to a List(of String) in c# or vb.net without iterating through all the items? (Behind the scenes iteration is fine – I just want concise code)


Update:The best way is probably just to do a new select

myList.Select(function(i) i.ToString()).ToList();

myList.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToList();


不通过迭代来构建新列表是不可能的.您可以将列表包装在实现 IList 的容器中.

Not possible without iterating to build a new list. You can wrap the list in a container that implements IList.

您可以使用 LINQ 从这样的对象列表中获取 IEnumerable 的惰性求值版本:

You can use LINQ to get a lazy evaluated version of IEnumerable<string> from an object list like this:

var stringList = myList.OfType<string>();


08-05 17:35