一段时间以来,我一直在使用 Ext JS 作为我的丰富小部件工具包,但我在想转向 YUI,部分原因是许可证限制较少.
I've been using Ext JS as my rich-widget toolkit for a while, but I'm thinking of moving to YUI, partly because of the less restrictive license.
YUI 中使用的面向组件的模型似乎与我在 Ext JS 中非常喜欢的模型非常相似,但我对这些相似之处的深度感兴趣.所以我对使用过 Ext JS 和 YUI 的人的反馈很感兴趣.什么是相同的,什么是不同的?转到 YUI 会失去什么,又会得到什么?
The component-oriented model used in YUI seems quite similar to the one that I've enjoyed so much in Ext JS, but I'm interested in how deep those similarities are. So I'm interested in feedback from people who've used both Ext JS and YUI. What is the same, and what is different? What do I lose by moving to YUI, and what do I gain?
I think both libraries actually address different needs.
YUI 旨在满足雅虎公司的需求.它非常擅长构建面向公众的应用程序,在这些应用程序中,优雅降级、干净的标记和可访问性很重要.
YUI is designed addresses the needs of Yahoo inc. It is very good at building public facing applications where things like graceful degradation, clean markup and accessibility is important.
ExtJS 是一个非常优秀且设计良好的完整 RIA 框架,非常坚定地针对构建业务线应用程序.诸如非常强大的网格组件、强大的布局和良好的专业外观等特性.
ExtJS is a very good and well designed full RIA framework that is very firmly targeted at building line of business applications. Features such as a really powerful grid component, strong layout and good professional look and feel.
我已经相当多地使用了这两者,虽然只使用了 YUI 2.7.0 并且已经使用这些框架构建了几个完整的 RIA.
I've used both quite considerably, although only up to YUI 2.7.0 and have built several full RIA using the frameworks.
将现有应用程序从一个迁移到另一个将是非常不同的,因为虽然它们共享一个共同的祖先(ExtJS 曾经是 YUIext),但现在的框架却大不相同.
Moving an existing application from one to another would be quite differcult as although they share a common ancestor (ExtJS was once YUIext) the frameworks are quite different now.
这篇关于比较 YUI 和 Ext JS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!