


I need to remove comments (the "// This is a comment" like comments) from some Javascript code, I'm using YUI compressor, there is an option to do that?


感谢回复,我试图合并几个脚本, YUI;我发现如果我压缩,然后合并脚本它的工作,但如果我合并,然后压缩,出现问题,我有一个破碎的脚本

Thanks for the response, I'm trying to merge several scripts and after compress with YUI; I've found if I compress and then merge the scripts it works, but if I merge and then compress, something goes wrong and I got a broken script


YUI Compressor默认删除注释。您必须使用特殊注释格式保留注释。

YUI Compressor removes comments by default. You have to use a special comment format to keep comments.

/*! This comment will not be removed, so it's a good place to put a copyright */

// this comment will be removed

/* this one too */


10-25 03:55