本文介绍了数据库数据不显示plz解决了这个问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 home.php <?php defined(' BASEPATH')或退出(' 不允许直接访问脚本'); class 主页扩展CI_Controller { 公共函数索引() { $ this-> load-> view(' home'); } 公共职能课程(){ $ course = $ this-> db-> get (' course'); $ data [' records'] = $ course-> result_array(); $ this-> load-> view(' course / course',$数据); } 公共职能course_add_view(){ $ this-> load-> view(' course / course-add'); } 公共职能course_edit_view(){ $ id = $ this-> uri-> segment (' 3'); $ this-> db-> where(' id',$ id) ; $ course = $ this-> db-> get(' 当然'); $ data [' records'] = $ course-> result_array(); $ this-> load-> view(' course / course-edit' ,$ data); } 公共职能course_delete(){ $ id = $ this-> uri-> segment (' 3'); $ this-> load-> model( course); $ check = $ this-> course-> delete($ id); if($ check){ redirect( home / course) ; } 其他 { echo 记录失败; } } public function course_add(){ / * echo< pre>; print_r($ _ POST); * / $ data = $ this-> input-> post(); unset($ data [' submit']); // print_r($ data); $ this-> load - > model( course); $ check = $ this-> course-> insert($ data); if($ check){ redirect( home / course) ; } 其他 { echo 记录失败; } } 公共职能course_edit(){ / * echo< pre>; print_r($ _ POST); * / $ data = $ this-> input-> post(); $ id = $ this-> input-> post(' ID ); unset($ data [' submit']); // print_r($ data); $ this-> load - > model( course); $ check = $ this-> course-> update($ data,$ id); if($ check){ redirect( home / course) ; } 其他 { echo 记录失败; } } // 学生 公共职能学生(){ $ course = $ this-> db-> query( select student.id,student.surname,student.name,student.city,student.gender,student.bdate,course来自学生的.sname,其中'student'。 'course-id'= course.id ); $ data [' records'] = $ course-> result_array(); $ this-> load-> view(' student / student',$数据); } } student.php <?php 定义(' BASEPATH')退出(' 不允许直接访问脚本'); ?> < !DOCTYPE html > < meta charset = utf-8 > < title > WEL来到CodeIgniter < div class = container > < h2 > 学生< / h2 > < div class = table-responsive > <? php foreach($ records as $ row){ echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; if($ row [' gender'] == M){ $ row [' gender'] = 男性; } else { $ row [' 性别] = 女性; } echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; echo ; } ?> < 表 class = table > < thead > < tr > < th > #< / th > < th > 课程< / th > < th > ; 名称< / th > < th > 姓< / th > < th > 性别< / th > < th > 城市< / th > < th > 出生日期< / th > < / tr > < / thead > < tbody > < tr > < td > ; 。$ row ['id']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['sname']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['name']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['surname']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['gender']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['city']。< / td > < td > 。$ row ['bdate']。< / td > < td > < a href = .base_url()。index.php / home / course_delete /\".$ row [ > ; 删除< / a > < / td > < td > < a href = .base_url()。index.php / home / course_edit_view /\".$ row [ > 编辑< / a > < / td > < ; / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < ; / div > 没有错误但它没有显示数据库数据....只显示这样的标题.... 学生 #课程名称姓氏性别城市出生日期 我尝试过: 没有错误来了,但它没有显示数据库数据....只显示这样的标题.... 学生 #课程名称姓氏性别城市出生日期解决方案 this-> load-> view(' home'); } 公共职能课程(){ course = this-> db-> get(' course'); home.php<?phpdefined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');class Home extends CI_Controller {public function index(){$this->load->view('home');}public function course() {$course = $this->db->get('course');$data['records'] = $course->result_array();$this->load->view('course/course', $data);}public function course_add_view() {$this->load->view('course/course-add');}public function course_edit_view() {$id = $this->uri->segment('3');$this->db->where('id', $id);$course = $this->db->get('course');$data['records'] = $course->result_array();$this->load->view('course/course-edit', $data);}public function course_delete() {$id = $this->uri->segment('3');$this->load->model("course");$check = $this->course->delete($id);if($check) {redirect("home/course");} else {echo "Record Failed";}}public function course_add() {/*echo "<pre>";print_r($_POST);*/$data = $this->input->post();unset($data['submit']);//print_r($data);$this->load->model("course");$check = $this->course->insert($data);if($check) {redirect("home/course");} else {echo "Record Failed";}}public function course_edit() {/*echo "<pre>";print_r($_POST);*/$data = $this->input->post();$id = $this->input->post('id');unset($data['submit']);//print_r($data);$this->load->model("course");$check = $this->course->update($data, $id);if($check) {redirect("home/course");} else {echo "Record Failed";}}//studentspublic function student() {$course = $this->db->query("select student.id, student.surname, student.name, student.city, student.gender, student.bdate, course.sname from student, course where 'student'"."'course-id' = course.id");$data['records'] = $course->result_array();$this->load->view('student/student', $data);}}student.php<?phpdefined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');?><!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Welcome to CodeIgniter<div class="container"><h2>Student</h2><div class="table-responsive"> <?phpforeach($records as $row) {echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "";if($row['gender']=="M") {$row['gender'] = "Male";} else {$row['gender'] = "Female";}echo "";echo "";echo "";echo "";echo ""; echo "";}?> <table class="table"><thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Course</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Surname</th> <th>Gender</th> <th>City</th> <th>Birth Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody><tr><td>".$row['id']."</td><td>".$row['sname']."</td><td>".$row['name']."</td><td>".$row['surname']."</td><td>".$row['gender']."</td><td>".$row['city']."</td><td>".$row['bdate']."</td><td><a href="".base_url()."index.php/home/course_delete/".$row[">Delete</a></td><td><a href="".base_url()."index.php/home/course_edit_view/".$row[">Edit</a></td></tr></tbody> </table></div></div>no error come but its not shown database data....only header shown like this....Student# Course Name Surname Gender City Birth DateWhat I have tried:no error come but its not shown database data....only header shown like this....Student# Course Name Surname Gender City Birth Date 解决方案 this->load->view('home');}public function course() {course =this->db->get('course'); 这篇关于数据库数据不显示plz解决了这个问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-28 19:46