


Here is the setup: I've got a "Student" who has a related entity "Course" (1 to many). Each "Course" has a related entity "Period" that contains all of the time and date details of the course. I want to get back all of the students who have had a course in 2011.

〜/Student()?$ expand =课程/期间/amp; $ filter =课程/期间/年份eq 2011
但会导致错误:类型'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection`1 [[课程]]

I've tried this:
~/Student()?$expand=Course/Period&$filter=Course/Period/Year eq 2011
but it results in an error: No property 'Period' exists in type 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection`1[[Course]]

〜/Student()?$ expand =课程/期间& $ select =课程/期间/年份

Clearly, Period is being treated as a property rather than an Entity, but I'm confused, because the following query does return the results I expect, and it uses almost the same syntax:

那么我在$ filter语法上做错了吗,还是不可能?

So am I doing something wrong with the $filter syntax, or is this not possible?


TIA for any insight.


如果导航属性为单例,则过滤器将起作用,但是由于它是一个集合(1对多),因此该过滤器将不起作用.主要是因为不清楚这意味着什么.您是否要在2011年修完所有课程的学生,还是只修一些课程...等等.在最新的CTP中( http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astoriateam/archive/2011/06/30/announcing-wcf-data-services-june-2011-ctp-for- net4-amp-sl4.aspx )支持所有运算符,使您可以做自己想做的事情.有关更多详细信息,请参阅此博客文章: http://www.odata.org /blog/even-more-any-and-all .

The filter would work if the navigation property would be a singleton, but since it's a collection (1 to many) the filter won't work. Mainly because it's unclear what would that mean. Do you want students which have all their courses in 2011 or just some... and so on.In the latest CTP (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astoriateam/archive/2011/06/30/announcing-wcf-data-services-june-2011-ctp-for-net4-amp-sl4.aspx) There's a support for any and all operators which should allow you to do what you want. For more details see this blog post: http://www.odata.org/blog/even-more-any-and-all.


10-22 16:52