本文介绍了EXCEL VBA:dblClick,Repetitive Code Improvement的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一堆类似构造的用户形式,其上有许多相同的对象。对于我的标签(超过50个),我创建了一个dblClick事件,以允许用户更改标题。这很正常 - 但是我想知道是否有办法改善我的代码。



Item1_Label.Caption = InputBox(blah?,blah,Item1_Label.Caption)
如果Item1_Label.Caption =Then Item1_Label.Caption =Item 1
End Sub

Private Sub Item2_Label_dblClick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Item2_Label.Caption = InputBox (blah?,blah,Item2_Label.Caption)
如果Item2_Label.Caption =Then Item2_Label.Caption =Item 2
End Sub

Private Sub Item3_Label_dblClick(ByVal取消为MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Item3_Label.Caption = InputBox(blah?,blah,Item3_Label.Caption)
如果Item3_Label.Caption =T母鸡Item3_Label.Caption =项目3
End Sub

'etcetera etcetera





Public WithEvents oLabel As MSForms.Label

Public Sub oLabel_dblClick(ByVal取消为MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
MsgBox oLabel.Caption
End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim o As Control,l As clsLabel
Set colLabels = New Collection
设置l =新的clsLabel
设置l.oLabel = o
colLabels.Add l
End Sub

I have a bunch of similarly constructed userforms with many identical objects on them. For my labels (which number over 50), I have created a dblClick event to allow the users to change the caption. This is working fine-&-all, but I'm wondering if there's a way for me to improve my code.

Is there a way to be able to avoid making dozens of copies of the same code just to handle the same event on different objects?

Here is my code:

Private Sub Item1_Label_dblClick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Item1_Label.Caption = InputBox("blah?", "blah", Item1_Label.Caption)
        if Item1_Label.Caption = "" Then Item1_Label.Caption = "Item 1"
End Sub

Private Sub Item2_Label_dblClick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Item2_Label.Caption = InputBox("blah?", "blah", Item2_Label.Caption)
        if Item2_Label.Caption = "" Then Item2_Label.Caption = "Item 2"
End Sub

Private Sub Item3_Label_dblClick(ByVal Cancel as MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Item3_Label.Caption = InputBox("blah?", "blah", Item3_Label.Caption)
        if Item3_Label.Caption = "" Then Item3_Label.Caption = "Item 3"
End Sub

'etcetera etcetera

I have over 50 of these clone lines of code in my userform. I think there is a better way to do it, but when I looked up using a Class EventHandler, I couldn't see how to apply it for my purposes.

Is there a way to prevent this repetitive code?



Public WithEvents oLabel As MSForms.Label

Public Sub oLabel_dblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    MsgBox oLabel.Caption
End Sub

'form code
Private colLabels As Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim o As Control, l As clsLabel
Set colLabels = New Collection
For Each o In Me.Controls
    If TypeName(o) = "Label" Then
        Set l = New clsLabel
        Set l.oLabel = o
        colLabels.Add l
    End If
Next o
End Sub

这篇关于EXCEL VBA:dblClick,Repetitive Code Improvement的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-11 23:06