

就我的理解最终确定()和GC是两个不同的方面。 GC使用finalize()方法释放对象内存。我们不能说明GC何时会发生(即使我们明确地调用了System.gc())。但是我们可以在一个Object上明确地调用finalize()。










  1. 创建对象时,JVM会检查如果用户已经重写了finalize()方法。如果它有,那么它在内部注意到这个特定的对象有finalize()方法。


  • 2a)如果没有,则发送垃圾回收。



 基本上finalize )方法只被调用一次。 



As far as my understanding goes finalize() and GC are two different aspects. GC uses finalize() method to free Object memory. We cannot state when GC will occur(even if we explicitly call System.gc()). But we can explicitly call finalize() on an Object.

Will the function be executed immediately(memory freed) or it waits till GC
occurs like System.gc() call?

Also as per the docs the finalize method is never invoked more than once by a Java virtual machine for any given object.

So what happens when we call finalize() first and GC happens at a later point of time.

If object memory is not freed on explicit call to object.finalize() then would't 
it being called again in the GC process violate the calling only once rule? 

You have got it completely wrong.

Short answer: finalize() is a means to clean up resources (such as open files) just before the object is ready for garbage collection ( when no object has strong reference to it). It might/not be called. It is one step ahead of memory deallocation.

Long answer:

There is a separate daemon thread called as finalizer thread which is responsible for calling finalize() method . Finalization queue is the queue where objects which are ready to be called finalize() method are placed.

  1. When an Object is created, JVM checks if the user has overridden the finalize() method. If it has then it internally notes that this particular object has finalize() method.

When an object is ready for garbage collection, then the garbage collector thread checks if this particular object has finalize() from table mentioned in (1).

  • 2a) If it doesn’t then it is sent for garbage collection.

    2b) It is has, then it is added to the finalization queue. And it removes the entry of the object from the table (1).

Finalizer thread keeps polling the queue. For every object in the queue, its finalize() method is called. After calling the finalize() cycle from (2) is again repeated. If this object still has no strong reference, then sent for GC. If it has then ALWAYS (2a) is called because the entry was deleted in (2b)

Basically finalize() method is only called once.

So what’s the issue with the above cycle?

You do not know when finalize() is called as you have no control over when GC is called. Sometimes it might happen that you are printing the value’s in finalize() but the output is never shown, because your program might have got terminated by the time finalize() is called.

Hence avoid using it. Instead create a method say dispose() which will close the necessory resources or for final log etc.


09-18 01:47