


We're using flake8 to test our code, and we're using pytest with fixtures. The following code:

from staylists.tests.fixtures import fixture1  # noqa: F401

def test_case(fixture1):  # noqa: F811
    # Test goes here
    assert 1 == 1

在掉毛过程中生成lib/python/test.py:3:1: F811 redefinition of unused 'fixture1' from line 1错误.

Generates a lib/python/test.py:3:1: F811 redefinition of unused 'fixture1' from line 1 error during linting.

  • 为什么它会忽略noqa标志?
  • 是否有更好的方法来避免标记此错误?
  • Why does it ignore the noqa flag?
  • Is there a better way to avoid flagging this error?


通过将所有灯具移至 conftest.py 文件中,可以避免F401和F811错误. Pytest会自动加载此文件,并使所有测试中的所有固定装置都可用,即使没有显式导入语句也是如此.

The F401 and F811 errors can be avoided by moving all fixtures into the conftest.py file. Pytest loads this file automatically and makes all fixtures inside available in all tests, even without explicit import statements.


More discussion about the file can be found here: In py.test, what is the use of conftest.py files?


06-12 00:53