

307& 308重定向()被大多数人接受现代浏览器。

307 & 308 redirects (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7538) is accepted by most modern browsers.


However upon google-ing a lot, I am unable to find a list of browser versions that support 307/308 redirects. Many of the posts like: What's the deal with HTTP status code 308? simply ask if 308 redirects is supported or not.


I am aware that some older browsers don't support 307/308 redirects (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/308), but it's not clear which browser version doesn't.


So my question is, which browser versions support 307/308 redirects?


Also how do older browser handle this status code? Do they just fail?


截至2018年2月20日,由于缺乏支持,甚至不是所有现代/受支持的浏览器都支持它对于Windows 7& 8.1上的IE 11:

As of 20 Feb 2018, not even all modern/supported browsers support it due to lack of support for IE 11 on Windows 7&8.1:

  • 失败-Windows上的IE 11(版本11.0.9600.18893) 7.在站点中使用308时,浏览器似乎只是挂起而不加载任何内容。 截至2018年7月25日,此操作仍旧失败(版本11.0.9600.19035)-经过检查,以防万一MS决定为开发人员提供青睐。

  • 通过-Windows 10上的IE 11(版本11.786.15063.0)

  • 通过-Windows 10上的Edge(版本40.15063.674.0)

  • 通过-分别在Windows 7和Mac OS 11.6上的Chrome(版本63.0.3239.132和63.0.32.132)

  • 通过-Mac OS 11.6上的Opera(版本50.0.2762.67)

  • 通过-Firefox(版本54.0.4和47.0.2) )分别在Mac OS 11.6和Windows 7上

  • Pass -在Mac OS 11.6上的Safari(版本11.0.3)

  • Fail - IE 11 (Version 11.0.9600.18893) on Windows 7. On using a 308 in a site, the browser just appears to hang and not load anything. As of 25 July 2018, this is still failing (Version 11.0.9600.19035) - checked just in case, you know, MS decided to do the world of devs a favour.
  • Pass - IE 11 (Version 11.786.15063.0) on Windows 10
  • Pass - Edge (Version 40.15063.674.0) on Windows 10
  • Pass - Chrome (Versions 63.0.3239.132 and on Windows 7 and Mac OS 11.6 respectively
  • Pass - Opera (Version 50.0.2762.67) on Mac OS 11.6
  • Pass - Firefox (Versions 54.0.4 and 47.0.2) on Mac OS 11.6 and Windows 7 respectively
  • Pass - Safari (Version 11.0.3) on Mac OS 11.6


You can test if your browser supports 308 redirects here: http://webdbg.com/test/308/

建议使用301或307作为当前解决方案,直到IE和/或Wind ows 7& 8.1-造成了惨痛而痛苦的死亡(由于Microsoft尚未计划在Windows 7 / 8.1上向 ever 添加308支持IE)。

Suggest using 301 or 307 as the current solution until IE and/or Windows 7&8.1- dies a horrible and painful death (As Microsoft are not planning on ever adding 308 support to IE on Windows 7/8.1).

[2020年1月29日编辑]因此,对Windows 7的正式支持于本月初(确切地说是1月14日)结束,并且使用此平台的用户现在为升级到Win10,因此希望会急剧下降在。

So official support for Windows 7 ended earlier this month (on 14 Jan to be precise) and users on this platform are now being strongly encouraged to upgrade to Win10 so expect to see a precipitous drop in usage statistics.


06-11 20:59