本文介绍了Golang:类型转换-将map [string] string转换为map [someStruct] string的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



type mapKey string

var key1 mapKey = "someKey"
var key2 mapKey = "anotherKey"

type SampleMap map[mapKey]string

传入的http呼叫必须为map [string] string

Incoming http call has to be map[string]string

我需要输入的内容 业务逻辑中的SampleMap

which I need to typecast to SampleMap in the business logic

常规转换:Sample(request)给出错误,无法将类型map [string] string转换为SampleMap.由于这两者的内部类型相同,因此为什么会发生此错误?如何解决?

The normal casting : Sample(request) gives an error, cannot convert type map[string]string to SampleMap.Since these both have the same internal type, why is this error occuring and what is the work around?


I really don't want to write a function to map each string to mapKey and then construct SampleMap.



There is no shortcut to coerce maps or arrays from one type to another, as there is for individual types (e.g. mapKey("str") ).


Setting the keys isn't hard though, you can just have a for loop:

params := map[string]string{"someKey": "bar"}

// Copy to type SampleMap
for k, v := range params {
        m[mapKey(k)] = v


There isn't much point to having two extra types though (for key and map) unless you enforce limits in some way by using accessors, not allowing direct access. This feels like code translated from another language?


In the absence of other details, I would do this:

// These are the recognised key types for params
const (
  key1 = "someKey"
  key2 = "anotherKey"

// Work with this sort of map till you come to convert values:
// When checking keys or using them, use the constants above.
params map[string]string
myVal := params[key1]


What's the rationale for using two types here, to control which keys are used?

这篇关于Golang:类型转换-将map [string] string转换为map [someStruct] string的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 14:13