

我建立了一个hello world程序来测试我的 riscv32-unknown-elf 工具链, spike pk 等。尽管我设法使用 spike --isa = RV32 pk hello.elf ,我发现如果我为调试添加了 -d 标志,我会得到以下说明(整体的一部分):

I've set up a hello world program just for testing my riscv32-unknown-elf toolchain, spike, pk etc. Though I managed to get the hello world printed using spike --isa=RV32 pk hello.elf, I found out that if I added the -d flag for debugging, I was given following instructions (a section of the whole):

core   0: 0x0000000000001000 (0x7ffff297) auipc   t0, 0x7ffff
core   0: 0x0000000000001004 (0x00028067) jr      t0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000000 (0x1b00006f) j       pc + 0x1b0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001b0 (0x00000093) li      ra, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001b4 (0x00000113) li      sp, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001b8 (0x00000193) li      gp, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001bc (0x00000213) li      tp, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001c0 (0x00000293) li      t0, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001c4 (0x00000313) li      t1, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001c8 (0x00000393) li      t2, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001cc (0x00000413) li      s0, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001d0 (0x00000493) li      s1, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001d4 (0x00000513) li      a0, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001d8 (0x00000593) li      a1, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001dc (0x00000613) li      a2, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001e0 (0x00000693) li      a3, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001e4 (0x00000713) li      a4, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001e8 (0x00000793) li      a5, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001ec (0x00000813) li      a6, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001f0 (0x00000893) li      a7, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001f4 (0x00000913) li      s2, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001f8 (0x00000993) li      s3, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff800001fc (0x00000a13) li      s4, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000200 (0x00000a93) li      s5, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000204 (0x00000b13) li      s6, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000208 (0x00000b93) li      s7, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff8000020c (0x00000c13) li      s8, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000210 (0x00000c93) li      s9, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000214 (0x00000d13) li      s10, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000218 (0x00000d93) li      s11, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff8000021c (0x00000e13) li      t3, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000220 (0x00000e93) li      t4, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000224 (0x00000f13) li      t5, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000228 (0x00000f93) li      t6, 0
core   0: 0xffffffff8000022c (0x34001073) csrw    mscratch, zero
core   0: 0xffffffff80000230 (0x00000297) auipc   t0, 0x0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000234 (0xdd828293) addi    t0, t0, -552
core   0: 0xffffffff80000238 (0x30529073) csrw    mtvec, t0
core   0: 0xffffffff8000023c (0x30502373) csrr    t1, mtvec
core   0: 0xffffffff80000240 (0x00629063) bne     t0, t1, pc + 0
core   0: 0xffffffff80000244 (0x00012117) auipc   sp, 0x12

无论如何,它与从产生的反汇编程序不匹配> hello.dump (也是开始部分):

Anyway it doesn't match the disassembler produced from riscv32-unknown-elf-objdump -d hello.elf > hello.dump (also a section on the beginning):

hello.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .text:

00010074 <_start>:
   10074:   00005197            auipc   gp,0x5
   10078:   fcc18193            addi    gp,gp,-52 # 15040 <_gp>
   1007c:   00004517            auipc   a0,0x4
   10080:   7d850513            addi    a0,a0,2008 # 14854 <_edata>
   10084:   00005617            auipc   a2,0x5
   10088:   83060613            addi    a2,a2,-2000 # 148b4 <_end>
   1008c:   40a60633            sub a2,a2,a0
   10090:   00000593            li  a1,0
   10094:   2c0000ef            jal ra,10354 <memset>
   10098:   00000517            auipc   a0,0x0
   1009c:   1bc50513            addi    a0,a0,444 # 10254 <__libc_fini_array>
   100a0:   16c000ef            jal ra,1020c <atexit>
   100a4:   210000ef            jal ra,102b4 <__libc_init_array>
   100a8:   00012503            lw  a0,0(sp)
   100ac:   00410593            addi    a1,sp,4
   100b0:   00000613            li  a2,0
   100b4:   124000ef            jal ra,101d8 <main>
   100b8:   1680006f            j   10220 <exit>

000100bc <_fini>:
   100bc:   00008067            ret

000100c0 <deregister_tm_clones>:
   100c0:   00015537            lui a0,0x15
   100c4:   000157b7            lui a5,0x15
   100c8:   84050713            addi    a4,a0,-1984 # 14840 <__TMC_END__>
   100cc:   84378793            addi    a5,a5,-1981 # 14843 <__TMC_END__+0x3>
   100d0:   40e787b3            sub a5,a5,a4
   100d4:   00600713            li  a4,6
   100d8:   00f77c63            bleu    a5,a4,100f0   <deregister_tm_clones+0x30>
   100dc:   00000337            lui t1,0x0
   100e0:   00030313            mv  t1,t1
   100e4:   00030663            beqz    t1,100f0 <deregister_tm_clones+0x30>
   100e8:   84050513            addi    a0,a0,-1984
   100ec:   00030067            jr  t1
   100f0:   00008067            ret

000100f4 <register_tm_clones>:
   100f4:   00015537            lui a0,0x15
   100f8:   000155b7            lui a1,0x15
   100fc:   84050793            addi    a5,a0,-1984 # 14840 <__TMC_END__>
   10100:   84058593            addi    a1,a1,-1984 # 14840 <__TMC_END__>
   10104:   40f585b3            sub a1,a1,a5
   10108:   4025d593            srai    a1,a1,0x2
   1010c:   01f5d793            srli    a5,a1,0x1f
   10110:   00b785b3            add a1,a5,a1
   10114:   4015d593            srai    a1,a1,0x1
   10118:   00058c63            beqz    a1,10130 <register_tm_clones+0x3c>
   1011c:   00000337            lui t1,0x0
   10120:   00030313            mv  t1,t1
   10124:   00030663            beqz    t1,10130 <register_tm_clones+0x3c>
   10128:   84050513            addi    a0,a0,-1984
   1012c:   00030067            jr  t1
   10130:   00008067            ret


I am confused since there's a big difference between both the addresses and machine code. I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some thoughts. Thanks!


Best regards,Cy


我认为你会发现启动过程开始以及 pk 二进制文件(物理地址)。并且在 objdump 输出中,您从入口点反汇编了ELF。所以hello binary可能会在稍后的秒杀输出中出现...

I think that in spike you see start of boot process and the pk binary (in physical addresses). And in objdump output you have ELF disassembled from the entry point. So hello binary may be somewhere later in spike output...


What you see from spike resemble me this code of machine init: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-pk/blob/6c1d0604dcabf36a6a8d8d9a839b2d4634e202d2/machine/mentry.S#L183

core   0: 0x0000000000001000 (0x7ffff297) auipc   t0, 0x7ffff
core   0: 0x0000000000001004 (0x00028067) jr      t0

  j do_reset

,然后确切 do_reset of machine / mentry.S (行183),它仍然在在加载和运行用户应用程序 hello 之前, pk 代码:

and then exact do_reset of machine/mentry.S (line 183), it is still before main pk code, before loading and running user app hello:

  li x1, 0
  li x2, 0
  li x3, 0
  li x4, 0
  li x5, 0
  li x6, 0
  li x7, 0
  li x8, 0
  li x9, 0
  li x10, 0
  li x11, 0
  li x12, 0
  li x13, 0
  li x14, 0
  li x15, 0
  li x16, 0
  li x17, 0
  li x18, 0
  li x19, 0
  li x20, 0
  li x21, 0
  li x22, 0
  li x23, 0
  li x24, 0
  li x25, 0
  li x26, 0
  li x27, 0
  li x28, 0
  li x29, 0
  li x30, 0
  li x31, 0
  csrw mscratch, x0

  # write mtvec and make sure it sticks
  la t0, trap_vector
  csrw mtvec, t0
  csrr t1, mtvec
1:bne t0, t1, 1b


08-29 05:38