

我有两个TimeSpan变量. HoursWorked TargetHours.

I''ve got Two TimeSpan variables. HoursWorked and TargetHours.


Now what I need is to calculate the percentage of absent time. So here''s the code:


float AbsentPercentage = 0;

if (TotalEmployeeTargetHours.Ticks != 0)

   float ValA = (TotalEmployeeHoursWorked.Ticks / TotalEmployeeTargetHours.Ticks);

      // TotalEmployeeHoursWorked.Ticks  = 5073600000000  

      // TotalEmployeeHoursWorked.Ticks  = 5073600000000  

     //TotalEmployeeTargetHours.Ticks = 4995000000 <code>00

    //TotalEmployeeTargetHours.Ticks = 4995000000<code>00

    float ValB = ValA * 100;
    float ValC = 100 - ValB;

    AbsentPercentage = ValC;

    float ValB = ValA * 100;
    float ValC = 100 - ValB;

    AbsentPercentage = ValC;

应该可以,对吧? ValA总是被分配0或1.所以我的缺席百分比始终是100%或0%

That should work, right? ValA ALWAYS gets assigned either 0 or 1. So my absent percentage is always 100% or 0%



I tried using decimal first and then tried floats, i thought there might be some kind of cast happening in the background... 






Ticks is not a float.  You need to cast TotalEmployeeTargetHours.Ticks to float, to get a floating point result.  Otherwise it gets rounded up or down, and THEN gets assigned to the floating point value.


09-26 08:01