


请尽可能将Visualstudio Blend合并或绑定到VisualStudio,因为在blend中指定的用户控件无法访问VS.

if possible please combined or binding Visualstudio Blend to VisualStudio Because usercontrol desinged in blend can't access to VS .




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在处理项目时,您可以轻松地在Blend和Visual Studio之间切换.您甚至可以拥有相同的项目文件在同一台计算机上同时在Blend和Visual Studio中同时打开.当您在一个工具中保存对文件的更改,然后切换到另一工具时,只需重新加载文件即可刷新项目视图.

You could easily switch between Blend and Visual Studio while you're working on a project. You can even have the same project fileopen in both Blend and Visual Studio at the same time, on the same computer. When you save a change to a file in one tool and then switch to the other tool, you simply reload the file to refresh your view of the project.

如果在Visual Studio中工作时向项目中添加新文件,则必须使用全部保存"(Ctrl + Shift + S)保存该项目,或者在构建并运行该应用之前切换回Blend.当您切换到Blend时,您将 收到一条消息,询问您是否要重新加载项目.单击是",新文件将添加到Blend中的项目中.

If you add new files to your project while you are working in Visual Studio, you must save the project using Save All (Ctrl+Shift+S), or build and run the app before switching back to Blend. When you switch to Blend, you will receive a message asking if you want to reload your project. Click Yes, and the new files will be added to your project in Blend.

有关将Blend与Visual Studio结合使用的更多信息,包括建议的工作流程和最佳做法,请参见切换到Visual Studio,然后再次返回.

For more information about using Blend with Visual Studio, including recommended workflows and best practices, see theSwitch to Visual Studio and back again.

您还可以从Visual Studio中的Blend中打开一个项目.在Visual Studio中打开项目后,请执行以下操作之一:

  • 在查看"菜单上,单击在Blend中打开".
  • 右键单击-单击解决方案资源管理器中的项目文件,然后单击打开".在Blend中.

请参考此处: https://msdn .microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj129478.aspx?f = 255& MSPPError = -2147217396

Please refer to here:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj129478.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

Blend和Visual Studio-为什么要使用两个工具?

请参阅,来自 Vineet Choudhary的回复.

Please refer to the thread, a reply from Vineet Choudhary.




10-23 18:44