本文介绍了以编程方式禁用 UAC的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以在 Vista 中以编程方式禁用 UAC?或者,我可以以任何方式让我的应用程序不受 UAC 设置的限制吗?仅供参考,该应用程序需要即时安装硬盘驱动器,这就是为什么我不能每次都要求 UAC 许可...

Is it possible to programmatically disable UAC in Vista? Or, can I make my application run unrestricted by the UAC setting in any way? FYI, the application needs to mount hard drives on the fly, which is why I can't ask for UAC permission each time...


我正在寻找符合 Kosi2801 提到的内容,基本上是要求用户始终以提升"模式启动程序.我希望许可是一次性的,我并不是说我在没有事先征得许可的情况下以编程方式禁用了 UAC.我相信有很多程序需要在这种模式下运行(尤其是与硬件相关的程序),所以应该有某种方式来适应它.

I'm looking for something in line with what Kosi2801 mentioned, basically to ask the user to always start the program in an 'elevated' mode. I'd want the permission to be a 1 time thing, I'm not saying that I programmatically disable UAC without asking permission first. I'm sure there are lots of programs that need to operate in this mode (especially hardware-related programs) so there should be some type of way to accommodate it.


将 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System 中的 EnableLUA DWORD 值设置为 0 并重新启动.

Set the EnableLUA DWORD value in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System to 0 and reboot.

这将毫无问题地禁用 UAC,我会对您的所有用户执行此操作,无论是否获得许可取决于您,因为 vista UAC 太可怕了,我相信拥有它的人越少越好(仅在 vista 中)现在在 win7 中更好.

this will disable UAC without a problem, i would do it to all your users, with or without permission is up to you, because the vista UAC is so horrid that i do believe the less people that have it on the better (in vista only) it is now better in win7.


have fun with my registry trick :)

在 win7 中也可以使用,请告诉我你是如何使用它的.

works in win7 as well, let me know how you got along with it.

这篇关于以编程方式禁用 UAC的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-06 01:42