


I am trying to jump to a random question with followup event, and at the same time store the question number in the context. But dialogflow only jumps to the event without storing the question number. Is there a way to do followup event and store a context in one intent?

app.intent('Quiz - random', (conv) => {
    let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * quiz_len) + 1;
    conv.data.current_qns = rand;



不是真的。使用 conv.followup()的目的是使它好像新的Intent是用户实际触发的那样。请记住-意图表示用户在说什么 不是您要回复的内容。您可以 在重定向中包含一个参数,我想您可以使用它来发送问题,但这仍然等同于用户发送的参数。

Not really. The point of using conv.followup() is to make it as if the new Intent is the one that was actually triggered by the user. Remember - Intents represent what the user is saying not what you're replying with. You can include a parameter with the redirect, which I guess you can use to send the question, but this still would be the equivalent of a parameter sent by the user.


It isn't entirely clear why you feel you need to direct to a different Intent. Is it just to ask the question as part of the reply? Go ahead and ask it in the Intent handler you're in and store the number in the context directly.



You've indicated in the comments that you want to structure things so you have a "random dispatcher" that then redirects to an Intent to ask a question, and that Intent has a Followup Intent that accepts the right answer (and possibly ones that deal with wrong answers).


This requires you to build a lot of extra Intents for all the various questions, and then the conditions on each question. This requires you to re-build this structure every time you want to add a new question.


Dialogflow works very well to navigate the structure of a conversation - so you don't need to use it to navigate specific questions, answers, and responses. Remember - Intents model what a user says in broad terms, not how our agent responds.


Here is a structure that might work better:

  1. 有一个Intent可以处理用户询问随机问题。为此的意图实现(即-Webhook中的处理程序函数)执行以下操作:

    • 选择一个问题

    • 设置上下文以指示正在询问的问题

    • 将上下文和问题发送给用户

  • 为此您的处理程序会比较答案。

  • 如果正确,则清除上下文,这样说,然后询问如果他们想要另一个问题。 (然后,这将循环到步骤1中指定的Intent。)

  • 如果不正确,请确保上下文仍然有效,并告知他们错误。可能增加一个计数器,这样就不会让他们无限期地猜测。


This means you're only building two Intents that handle the question itself. You should add a few more. Here are a few to think about:

  • 如果用户什么都不说怎么办? 无输入方案的处理方式应与错误答案的处理方式不同。

  • 如果您要问多项选择题,也许您将使用列表并需要处理列表响应


Finally, if you're using a list, you may want to do something fancy and use Dialogflow's API to set a Session Entity Type for just that question. This allows you to set what you're expecting (with some aliases) for what is correct and incorrect, and then use a Fallback Intent for the context to say that what the user said didn't make sense.


09-03 05:52