


It is pretty clear to me when using JPA with a collection of data, how to annotate a member which is of type List, ArrayList, Collections, etc. (@OneToMany or @ManyToMany etc), but what if we have the following:

    class page{

        Person creator;
        Person modifier;
        Person owner;


In this case, I want to make the design decision to not have any sort of collection of person entities, but rather separately listed variables. I am confusing myself as to how to correctly annotate these members.


Am I correct in assuming that I should annotate them as if they were a list even though they are listed separately, ie


@ManyToMany because "Many Pages include many Persons" and "Many Persons are involved in Many Pages" as opposed to @ManyToOne "Many Pages include One Creator instance of Person" (There is no Creator entity only person, and creator would only be the member variable of Page) ?



What you are looking for is a ManyToOne relationship.




  1. 一个人可以创建多少个页面?很多.
  2. 有多少人可以创建一个页面?一个



  1. 一个人可以修改多少个页面?许多
  2. 有多少人可以修改一个页面?许多(但是我会在这里使用OneToMany并列出修改页面的人员列表.@ ManyToMany公平的做法很棘手)



  1. 一个人如何拥有页面?很多
  2. 人们如何拥有一个页面?一个(有时您可以拥有多个所有者,但在您的情况下,我猜只需要一个所有者)
  1. How pages can be owned by a single person?Many
  2. How persons can own a single page? One (Well sometimes you can have more than one owner,but in your scenario, am guessing only one owner is desired)


public class Page{

 private Person creator;
 private List<Person> modifiers;
 private Person owner; //which i guess may be the same as owner.



10-22 14:16