


I have a business class that contains two nullable decimal properties. A third property returns the result of multiplying the other two properties. If HasValue is true for the two nullable types then I multiply and return the result. I have a few options for the return value if one or both of the properties is null:

  • 返回0

  • 抛出一个异常

  • 返回一个神奇的数字(-1)

  • 返回小数? (编辑 - 见注释)

  • Return 0
  • Throw an exception
  • Return a magic number (-1)
  • Return decimal? (EDIT -- see comments)


I thought one of my options would be to return NaN, but I see that this is only possible for the double type. Why is this?


For the record, returning 0 makes the most sense in this case and that's what I plan to do unless someone has a better suggestion.


整型为代表.NET使用补制度。虽然他们可以保留一些位模式为特殊值,他们没有选择。 双击浮动使用完全不同的表达系统(IEEE 754),它保留了南有些特殊的位模式,+无限,-Infinity,...

Integral types in .NET use two's complement system for representation. While they could reserve some bit patterns for special values, they chose not to. double and float use a completely different representation system (IEEE 754) which reserves some special bit patterns for NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity, ...

原因之一楠和无限价值更有意义浮点运算是操作可以通过零结果划分,不仅是因为除数实际上是零,但因为它太小,由类型来表示。其结果是,如果情况并非如此,你可以有一些有效的计算零异常神秘抛出一个鸿沟。因为它们是准确的,并且没有一个精度误差不会出现这种情况了 INT 类型。

One reason that NaN and Infinity values make more sense for floating point arithmetic is that operations could result division by zero, not only because the divisor is actually zero, but because it's too small to be represented by the type. As a result, if that wasn't the case, you could have some valid calculation mysteriously throw a divide by zero exception. This won't happen for int types as they are exact and don't have a precision error.

小数的设计是用于真实世界的十进制浮点数字。这是很少受到了计算双浮动设计做。什么会 NaN的表达了一个真实的世界是多少?

decimal is designed to be used for "real-world" decimal floating point numbers. It's rarely subject to calculations that double and float are designed to do. What would NaN express for a real world number?


Leaving reasons behind it alone, it is what it is and there's nothing we could do about it, so the best route to go is to use nullable types (they are designed to help with exactly this kind of situation). It's the right way to solve this problem. If you don't want to do that (and exceptions don't make sense), you should resort to the magic number solution. If you chose to do so, just make sure it's outside of the domain of valid results.


As also noted by MSDN, decimal is not fixed point. It is a floating point number:



09-03 01:49