

我是否应该使用postfix f 编写CGFloat值?

Should I be writing CGFloat values with postfix f or not?

CGFloat fValue = 1.2;


CGFloat fValue = 1.2f;


I know that this postfix define a float value. But is it necessary, does it make sense, are there any performance differences between using those two or is this just visual presentation so you can quickly define value type (e.g. float in this case)?


1.2是 double ;即64位双精度浮点数。

1.2 is a double; i.e. 64-bit double-precision floating point number.

1.2f是 float ;即32位单精度浮点数。

1.2f is a float; i.e. 32-bit single-precision floating point number.

就性能而言,无关紧要,因为编译器将从 float转换文字 double double float 必要时。但是,从函数中分配浮点数时,您很可能需要进行强制转换以避免编译器警告。

In terms of performance, it doesn't matter as the compiler will convert literals from float to double and double to float as necessary. When assigning floating-point numbers from functions, however, you will most likely need to cast to avoid a compiler warning.


09-02 21:53