

他们都可以编译相同的源$ C ​​$ C为Cortex-M3的弓?

What's the differences between arm-eabi-gcc and arm-elf-gcc?Can they both compile the same source code for cortex-m3 arch?


ARM-ELF-GCC 是旧的工具链支持传统的浮点加速器(FPA)和混合端浮点格式。

arm-elf-gcc is the old toolchain supporting legacy floating-point accelerator (FPA) and the mixed-endian floating-point format.

ARM-EABI-GCC 是工具链支持VFP浮点格式的新geneartion。

arm-eabi-gcc is the newer geneartion of toolchain supporting VFP floating-point format.

我想他们会的编译的同出一源,但后来一个是新的,这样一定是丰富的功能明智的。你想听到什么取决于你对编译的OS /库。工具链,基础库和OS在胳膊去的手臂。他们需要有相同的ABI的。

I imagine they can compile the same source, but the later one is newer so that must be richer feature wise. What you want to hear depends on which OS / libraries you are compiling against. Toolchain, fundamental libraries and OS go arm in arm. They need to have same ABIs.


08-29 05:43