最后一行为黄色的绘图"层:,最后一行作为橡皮擦"层:这是我用于此的代码.我认为这很简单.没有实际的绘图"功能-它仅使用一组硬编码的坐标和属性,就像它们是通过触摸跟踪生成的一样.运行它时,顶部的按钮将添加红色,绿色和蓝色线",然后在黄色线"和橡皮擦线"之间切换最后一组点.//// ViewController.swift// VectorDrawTest//// Created by Don Mag on 8/8/19.//import UIKitenum LineType: Int { case DRAW case ERASE}class LineDef: NSObject { var lineType: LineType = .DRAW var color: UIColor = UIColor.black var opacity: Float = 1.0 var lineWidth: CGFloat = 8.0 var points: [CGPoint] = [CGPoint]()}class DrawingView: UIView { // the background image var bkgImage: UIImage = UIImage() { didSet { updateBkgImage() } } func updateBkgImage() -> Void { // if no layers have been added yet, add the background image layer if layer.sublayers == nil { let l = CALayer() layer.addSublayer(l) } guard let layers = layer.sublayers else { return } for l in layers { if let _ = l as? CAShapeLayer { // in case we're changing the backgound image after lines have been drawn // ignore shape layers } else { // this layer is NOT a CAShapeLayer, so it's either the first (background image) layer // or it's an eraser layer, so update the contents l.contents = bkgImage.cgImage } } setNeedsDisplay() } func undo() -> Void { // only remove a layer if it's not the first (background image) layer guard let n = layer.sublayers?.count, n > 1 else { return } _ = layer.sublayers?.popLast() } func addLineDef(_ def: LineDef) -> Void { if def.lineType == LineType.DRAW { // create new shape layer let newLayer = CAShapeLayer() // set "draw" properties newLayer.lineCap = .round newLayer.lineWidth = def.lineWidth newLayer.opacity = def.opacity newLayer.strokeColor = def.color.cgColor newLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor // create bezier path from LineDef points let drawPts = def.points let bez = UIBezierPath() for pt in drawPts { if pt == drawPts.first { bez.move(to: pt) } else { bez.addLine(to: pt) } } // set path newLayer.path = bez.cgPath // add layer layer.addSublayer(newLayer) } else { // create new layer let newLayer = CALayer() // set its contents to the background image newLayer.contents = bkgImage.cgImage newLayer.opacity = def.opacity // create a shape layer to use as a mask let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() // set "draw" properties // strokeColor will always be black, because it just uses alpha for the mask maskLayer.lineCap = .round maskLayer.lineWidth = def.lineWidth maskLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.black.cgColor maskLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor // add mask newLayer.mask = maskLayer // create bezier path from LineDef points let drawPts = def.points let bez = UIBezierPath() for pt in drawPts { if pt == drawPts.first { bez.move(to: pt) } else { bez.addLine(to: pt) } } // set maskLayer's path maskLayer.path = bez.cgPath // add layer layer.addSublayer(newLayer) } setNeedsDisplay() } override func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() // update layer frames if let layers = layer.sublayers { for l in layers { l.frame = bounds } } }}class DrawViewController: UIViewController { let theDrawingView: DrawingView = { let v = DrawingView() v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return v }() let demoButton: UIButton = { let v = UIButton() v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false v.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1.0) v.setTitleColor(.blue, for: .normal) v.setTitleColor(.lightGray, for: .highlighted) v.setTitle("Draw Red", for: .normal) return v }() let redLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .red d.lineWidth = 8.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 20, y: 20), CGPoint(x: 40, y: 140), CGPoint(x: 280, y: 200), ] return d }() let greenLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .green d.lineWidth = 16.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 20, y: 100), CGPoint(x: 80, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 240, y: 140), CGPoint(x: 100, y: 200), ] return d }() let blueLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .blue d.opacity = 0.5 d.lineWidth = 24.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 250, y: 20), CGPoint(x: 150, y: 240), CGPoint(x: 100, y: 60), ] return d }() let yellowLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .yellow d.lineWidth = 32.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 30, y: 200), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 180), ] return d }() let eraserLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .ERASE d.lineWidth = 32.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 30, y: 200), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 180), ] return d }() var testErase = false override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // add the drawing view view.addSubview(theDrawingView) // constrain it 300 x 300 centered X and Y NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ theDrawingView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 300), theDrawingView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 300), theDrawingView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor), theDrawingView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor), ]) let imgName = "TheCat" if let img = UIImage(named: imgName) { theDrawingView.bkgImage = img } // add a demo button view.addSubview(demoButton) // constrain it 20-pts from the top, centered X NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ demoButton.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 20.0), demoButton.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.8), demoButton.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor), ]) // add the touchUpInside target demoButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(doTest), for: .touchUpInside) } @objc func doTest(_ sender: Any?) -> Void { if let b = sender as? UIButton { let t = b.currentTitle switch t { case "Draw Red": theDrawingView.addLineDef(redLine) b.setTitle("Draw Green", for: .normal) case "Draw Green": theDrawingView.addLineDef(greenLine) b.setTitle("Draw Blue", for: .normal) case "Draw Blue": theDrawingView.addLineDef(blueLine) b.setTitle("Draw Yellow", for: .normal) case "Draw Yellow": theDrawingView.addLineDef(yellowLine) b.setTitle("Toggle Yellow / Erase", for: .normal) default: toggle() } } } func toggle() -> Void { // undo the last action theDrawingView.undo() // toggle bool var testErase = !testErase // add either yellowLine or eraserLine theDrawingView.addLineDef(testErase ? eraserLine : yellowLine) }}一切都通过代码完成-没有@IBOutlets或@IBActions-因此,只需启动一个新项目,并用上述代码替换ViewController.swift.I have been looking everywhere for the answer to a question that has been asked a ton of times. I have spent hours looking through SO and Google. There has to be an answer that isn't going to take a mountain moving effort.I am working on a vector drawing app and finally got the drawing and undo-ing functionality working. Now I need an eraser :-oEDIT: Per the great write up from @DonMag I was able to get pretty close to an eraser, but something still isn't quite right. So I am going to try and explain how my views and layers are in the app and why I have done it this way:Starting from the bottom view/layer to the top...BackgroundImageView - I am using this image view to hold the "background" for the drawing surface. It is a layer that can be changed and can have new "templates" saved and recalled into. I keep it separate so that the user can't erase the drawing surface. And the background consists of CAShapeLayers that are drawn to represent different paper types.MainImageView - I am using this image view to do all the drawing that the user initiates. So I touch and drag my finger, and new CAShapeLayer is added to the image view. This keeps the user's drawing separate from the "drawing surface". This is also the place I want the erasing to happenPageImagesView - I use this view to hold images that the user can add to the page, and move/resize them. I don't want the eraser to effect the image, but if a line drawn in MainImageView crosses over the image and needs to be erased it should let the image show through, and not remove parts of the image.I also added another layer trying to get the eraser working, and called it "EraserImageView", and was drawing the "mask" into it, then trying to apply that mask to the MainImageView.Here is my drawing code, called each time touchesMoved is called:EDIT:Adding the code for eraser into my Drawing code. if eraser { let linePath = UIBezierPath() for (index, point) in line.enumerated() { if index == 0 { midPoint = CGPoint( x: (point.x + point.x) / 2, y: (point.y + point.y) / 2 ) linePath.move(to: midPoint!) } else { midPoint = CGPoint( x: (point.x + line[index - 1].x) / 2, y: (point.y + line[index - 1].y) / 2 ) linePath.addQuadCurve(to: midPoint!, controlPoint: line[index - 1]) } } let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() maskLayer.lineWidth = brush maskLayer.lineCap = .round maskLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.black.cgColor maskLayer.fillColor = nil maskLayer.frame = backgroundImageView.bounds maskLayer.path = linePath.cgPath //eraserImageView.layer.addSublayer(backgroundImageView.layer) eraserImageView.layer.addSublayer(maskLayer) eraserImageView.layer.mask = mainImageView.layer }The code above causes all of the user drawing to disappear except the portion that is touched by the "eraser". I know that I have something out of order, or I'm applying the mask incorrectly. Does anyone have a solution?Drawing some Lines, and it looks great...[When I attempt the eraser this is what happens...As you can see above I can draw lines, but once I touch the eraser to the page it removes everything except for the part I touch with the eraser.Does anyone know where I am going wrong??Edit:SO CLOSE!I was able to get the eraser to remove part of the drawn line when I move my finger. But it isn't drawing using the Sizes and it is making shapes. It is also replacing all the "erased" parts as soon as I touch the drawing surface after using the eraser.Here is my new eraser code:if eraser { //var rect: CGRect = CGRect() let linePath = UIBezierPath(rect: mainImageView.bounds) for (index, point) in line.enumerated() { if index == 0 { midPoint = CGPoint( x: (point.x + point.x) / 2, y: (point.y + point.y) / 2 ) //rect = CGRect(x: midPoint!.x, y: midPoint!.y, width: brush, height: brush) linePath.move(to: midPoint!) } else { midPoint = CGPoint( x: (point.x + line[index - 1].x) / 2, y: (point.y + line[index - 1].y) / 2 ) //rect = CGRect(x: midPoint!.x, y: midPoint!.y, width: brush, height: brush) linePath.addQuadCurve(to: midPoint!, controlPoint: line[index - 1]) } } let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() maskLayer.lineWidth = brush maskLayer.lineCap = .round maskLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor maskLayer.fillColor = UIColor.black.cgColor maskLayer.opacity = 1.0 maskLayer.path = linePath.cgPath maskLayer.fillRule = .evenOdd mainImageView.layer.addSublayer(maskLayer) mainImageView.layer.mask = maskLayer }Here is the result:Any ideas on how to get the eraser to draw just like the lines?EDIT: Adding the code for the background "drawing" at the request of @DonMagimport Foundationimport UIKitclass DrawBulletLayer : UIView { private var bullet: CAShapeLayer? func drawBullets(coordinates: UIImageView, bulletColor: UIColor) -> CALayer { let bullet = self.bullet ?? CAShapeLayer() let bulletPath = UIBezierPath() bullet.contentsScale = UIScreen.main.scale var bullets: [CGPoint] = [] let width = coordinates.frame.width let height = coordinates.frame.height let widthBullets = CGFloat(width / 55) let heightBullets = CGFloat(height / 39) var hb: CGFloat? var wb: CGFloat? for n in 1...39 { hb = heightBullets * CGFloat(n) for o in 1...55 { wb = widthBullets * CGFloat(o) bullets.append(CGPoint(x: wb!, y: hb!)) } } UIColor.black.setStroke() bullets.forEach { point in bulletPath.move(to: point) bulletPath.addLine(to: point) } bullet.path = bulletPath.cgPath bullet.opacity = 1.0 bullet.lineWidth = 2.0 bullet.lineCap = .round bullet.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor bullet.strokeColor = bulletColor.cgColor if self.bullet == nil { self.bullet = bullet layer.addSublayer(bullet) } return layer }}Here is how it is added to the BackgroundImageView:func updateTemplate() { let templates = TemplatePickerData() var loadLayer = templates.loadTemplateIds() if loadLayer.count == 0 { _ = templates.loadTemplates() loadLayer = templates.loadTemplateIds() } print("this is the template ID: \(templateId)") //let templateId = loadLayer[template].value(forKey: "templateId") as! Int if template < 0 { template = 0 } switch template { case 0: //scrollView.image = UIImage(named: "habitTracker0")! scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.sublayers?.removeAll() scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.addSublayer(drawBullets.drawBullets(coordinates: scrollView.backgroundImageView, bulletColor: UIColor(red: 214.0/255.0, green: 214.0/255.0, blue: 214.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0))) scrollView.setNeedsLayout() scrollView.layoutIfNeeded() scrollView.setNeedsDisplay() case 1: //scrollView.image = UIImage(named: "monthTemplate0")! scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.sublayers?.removeAll() scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.addSublayer(drawNotes.drawLines(coordinates: scrollView.backgroundImageView, lineColor: UIColor(red: 214.0/255.0, green: 214.0/255.0, blue: 214.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0))) scrollView.setNeedsLayout() scrollView.layoutIfNeeded() scrollView.setNeedsDisplay() case 2: //scrollView.image = UIImage(named: "habitTracker0")! scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.sublayers?.removeAll() scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.addSublayer(drawNotes2.drawLines(coordinates: scrollView.backgroundImageView, lineColor: UIColor(red: 214.0/255.0, green: 214.0/255.0, blue: 214.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0))) scrollView.setNeedsLayout() scrollView.layoutIfNeeded() scrollView.setNeedsDisplay() default: if loadLayer.count > template { template = 0 } print("this layer is named: \(loadLayer[template].value(forKey: "templateName") as! String)") let layer = loadLayer[template].value(forKey: "templatePath") as! String templateId = loadLayer[template].value(forKey: "templateId") as! Int let thisTemplate = templates.loadImage(image: layer) scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.sublayers?.removeAll() scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.addSublayer(drawBullets.drawBullets(coordinates: scrollView.backgroundImageView, bulletColor: UIColor(red: 214.0/255.0, green: 214.0/255.0, blue: 214.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0))) scrollView.backgroundImageView.layer.addSublayer(thisTemplate) scrollView.setNeedsLayout() scrollView.layoutIfNeeded() scrollView.setNeedsDisplay() } scrollView.setNeedsDisplay() if optionsMenuView.pageNameTextField.text != "" { if isYear { page = optionsMenuView.savePage(journalName: journalName, monthName: nil, weekName: nil, yearName: yearName, yearPosition: yearPosition, pageDrawingPath: pageDrawingPath, originalName: originalYearName, brushColor: 1, brushSize: brushSizeMenuView.brushSlider.value, templateId: templateId, pageDrawing: scrollView.mainImageView.layer) } else { page = optionsMenuView.savePage(journalName: journalName, monthName: monthName, weekName: weekName, yearName: nil, yearPosition: nil, pageDrawingPath: pageDrawingPath, originalName: originalWeekName, brushColor: 1, brushSize: brushSizeMenuView.brushSlider.value, templateId: templateId, pageDrawing: scrollView.mainImageView.layer) } } optionsMenuView.templateId = templateId }Hope that helps more... 解决方案 Erasing part of a bezier path would be tricky... you'd probably need to calculate intersections (of the stroke width, not just of the path itself) and break existing lines into multiple segments.Here is another approach - not sure if it will work for you, but might be worth considering:The "Drawing" layers are probably what you already have. The "Eraser" layer would include the background image, and then the "line" (the bezier path) would be used as a mask, so it would appear to erase portions of the layers below.With the final line as a yellow "Drawing" layer:and with the final line as an "Eraser" layer:Here is the code I used for this. I think it's pretty straight-forward to demonstrate the idea. No actual "drawing" feature -- it just uses a hard-coded set of coordinates and properties as if they had been generated by touch-tracking.When you run it, the button at the top will add the Red, Green and Blue "lines," and then will toggle the last set of points between a "Yellow line" and an "Eraser line."//// ViewController.swift// VectorDrawTest//// Created by Don Mag on 8/8/19.//import UIKitenum LineType: Int { case DRAW case ERASE}class LineDef: NSObject { var lineType: LineType = .DRAW var color: UIColor = UIColor.black var opacity: Float = 1.0 var lineWidth: CGFloat = 8.0 var points: [CGPoint] = [CGPoint]()}class DrawingView: UIView { // the background image var bkgImage: UIImage = UIImage() { didSet { updateBkgImage() } } func updateBkgImage() -> Void { // if no layers have been added yet, add the background image layer if layer.sublayers == nil { let l = CALayer() layer.addSublayer(l) } guard let layers = layer.sublayers else { return } for l in layers { if let _ = l as? CAShapeLayer { // in case we're changing the backgound image after lines have been drawn // ignore shape layers } else { // this layer is NOT a CAShapeLayer, so it's either the first (background image) layer // or it's an eraser layer, so update the contents l.contents = bkgImage.cgImage } } setNeedsDisplay() } func undo() -> Void { // only remove a layer if it's not the first (background image) layer guard let n = layer.sublayers?.count, n > 1 else { return } _ = layer.sublayers?.popLast() } func addLineDef(_ def: LineDef) -> Void { if def.lineType == LineType.DRAW { // create new shape layer let newLayer = CAShapeLayer() // set "draw" properties newLayer.lineCap = .round newLayer.lineWidth = def.lineWidth newLayer.opacity = def.opacity newLayer.strokeColor = def.color.cgColor newLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor // create bezier path from LineDef points let drawPts = def.points let bez = UIBezierPath() for pt in drawPts { if pt == drawPts.first { bez.move(to: pt) } else { bez.addLine(to: pt) } } // set path newLayer.path = bez.cgPath // add layer layer.addSublayer(newLayer) } else { // create new layer let newLayer = CALayer() // set its contents to the background image newLayer.contents = bkgImage.cgImage newLayer.opacity = def.opacity // create a shape layer to use as a mask let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() // set "draw" properties // strokeColor will always be black, because it just uses alpha for the mask maskLayer.lineCap = .round maskLayer.lineWidth = def.lineWidth maskLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.black.cgColor maskLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor // add mask newLayer.mask = maskLayer // create bezier path from LineDef points let drawPts = def.points let bez = UIBezierPath() for pt in drawPts { if pt == drawPts.first { bez.move(to: pt) } else { bez.addLine(to: pt) } } // set maskLayer's path maskLayer.path = bez.cgPath // add layer layer.addSublayer(newLayer) } setNeedsDisplay() } override func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() // update layer frames if let layers = layer.sublayers { for l in layers { l.frame = bounds } } }}class DrawViewController: UIViewController { let theDrawingView: DrawingView = { let v = DrawingView() v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false return v }() let demoButton: UIButton = { let v = UIButton() v.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false v.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1.0) v.setTitleColor(.blue, for: .normal) v.setTitleColor(.lightGray, for: .highlighted) v.setTitle("Draw Red", for: .normal) return v }() let redLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .red d.lineWidth = 8.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 20, y: 20), CGPoint(x: 40, y: 140), CGPoint(x: 280, y: 200), ] return d }() let greenLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .green d.lineWidth = 16.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 20, y: 100), CGPoint(x: 80, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 240, y: 140), CGPoint(x: 100, y: 200), ] return d }() let blueLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .blue d.opacity = 0.5 d.lineWidth = 24.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 250, y: 20), CGPoint(x: 150, y: 240), CGPoint(x: 100, y: 60), ] return d }() let yellowLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .DRAW d.color = .yellow d.lineWidth = 32.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 30, y: 200), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 180), ] return d }() let eraserLine: LineDef = { let d = LineDef() d.lineType = .ERASE d.lineWidth = 32.0 d.points = [ CGPoint(x: 30, y: 200), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 80), CGPoint(x: 250, y: 180), ] return d }() var testErase = false override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // add the drawing view view.addSubview(theDrawingView) // constrain it 300 x 300 centered X and Y NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ theDrawingView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 300), theDrawingView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 300), theDrawingView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor), theDrawingView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor), ]) let imgName = "TheCat" if let img = UIImage(named: imgName) { theDrawingView.bkgImage = img } // add a demo button view.addSubview(demoButton) // constrain it 20-pts from the top, centered X NSLayoutConstraint.activate([ demoButton.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 20.0), demoButton.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.widthAnchor, multiplier: 0.8), demoButton.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor), ]) // add the touchUpInside target demoButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(doTest), for: .touchUpInside) } @objc func doTest(_ sender: Any?) -> Void { if let b = sender as? UIButton { let t = b.currentTitle switch t { case "Draw Red": theDrawingView.addLineDef(redLine) b.setTitle("Draw Green", for: .normal) case "Draw Green": theDrawingView.addLineDef(greenLine) b.setTitle("Draw Blue", for: .normal) case "Draw Blue": theDrawingView.addLineDef(blueLine) b.setTitle("Draw Yellow", for: .normal) case "Draw Yellow": theDrawingView.addLineDef(yellowLine) b.setTitle("Toggle Yellow / Erase", for: .normal) default: toggle() } } } func toggle() -> Void { // undo the last action theDrawingView.undo() // toggle bool var testErase = !testErase // add either yellowLine or eraserLine theDrawingView.addLineDef(testErase ? eraserLine : yellowLine) }}Everything is done via code - no @IBOutlets or @IBActions - so just start a new project and replace ViewController.swift with the above code. 这篇关于如何在Swift中使用CAShapeLayer为CALayer.SubLayer创建橡皮擦的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-05 14:17