添加''margin-bottom:-2em'确实把它放在底部,但只放在可视区域的底部而不是实际页面的底部。 为整个页面放置一个DIV,以便它包含一切,在某种程度上没有帮助,是吗?Hi drhowarddrfine! Glad to have your help with this, you''ve always been a great help :)Wow, I don''t know where I had heard of the position:normal. I thought I heard something about how it puts it in the normal flow of the page (first comes first, second and so forth). Thanks for letting me know it doesn''t exist!As for the footer, I tried position: absolute, and all that does is put it on the top of the page, on top of the header.Adding ''margin-bottom: -2em'' does put it on the bottom, but only on the bottom of the viewable area and not the bottom of the actual page.Putting a DIV for the entire page, so that it contains EVERYTHING, won''t help in some way, will it? 这篇关于创建页脚的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!