


I am currently dealing with globalization in my app. Part of it is working with CultureInfo and RegionInfo. There is one issue that really puzzles me. Maybe someone can shade some light on this:

var ci1 = new CultureInfo("de");      // Correct, gives a neutral CultureInfo
var ci2 = new CultureInfo("de-CH");   // Correct, gives a specific CultureInfo
var ci3 = new CultureInfo("fr-CH");   // Correct, gives a specific CultureInfo
var ci4 = new CultureInfo("no");      // Correct, gives a neutral CultureInfo
var ci5 = new CultureInfo("nb-NO");   // Correct, gives a specific  CultureInfo
var ci6 = new CultureInfo("nn-NO");   // Correct, gives a specific  CultureInfo
var ci7 = new CultureInfo("ch");      // Failure!  Can't create a neutral Swiss culture.


The point here is, that Norway and Swizerland are both multilingual countries, but in contrast to Norway I am not able to create a neutral Swiss CultureInfo.


Is that because of historical reasons or is this simply a bug in Microsofts implementation?

编辑:看来,这是某种形式的政治问题,而不是技术。所以,我想改一下我的问题:任何好的想法如何处理这个问题在技术上?简单地忽略的 的CultureInfo(无) 的?有趣的是 的CultureInfo(无) 的提供了一个父的 CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName 的NB的

It seems that this is some kind of 'political' issue, not a technical. So I would like to rephrase my question: Any good ideas how to deal with this issue technically? Simply ignore "CultureInfo("no")"? Interestingly enough "CultureInfo("no")" delivers a parent "CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName" of 'nb'.


So, for me it is quite confusing. Any good ideas?



A neutral culture is a culture that is associated with a language but not with a country/region. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.cultureinfo(v=vs.71).aspx

您正试图创建CH语言文化,但没有瑞士的语言。您可以使用DE-CH德语(语言) - 瑞士(国家)。同样的,你使用它-CH或FR-CH的意大利和法国(语言)在瑞士。

You are trying to create a language culture with ch, but there is no swiss language. You use de-CH for german (language) - switzerland (country). Similarly, you use it-CH or fr-CH for italian and french (languages) in switzerland.


And, as MPelletier points out, there is no canadian language, but in the canadian region, they speak fr(ench) or en(glish).


10-27 12:29