我已经建立了一个OSX应用程序,它建立并运行用X code没有问题,我已经签署了code,做苹果要求所有的pre-提交的东西。然而,当我尝试验证我的管理应用程序(或提交),我得到这个讨厌的错误:该操作无法完成,没有任何其他的信息是关于这个问题
I have built an OSX application, it builds and runs using Xcode no problem, I have signed the code and done all the pre-submission things required by Apple. However, when I try to Validate my application in Organizer (or Submit), I get this nasty error: "The operation could not be completed. No other information is available about the problem."
The Bundle Identifier was registered on Apple's website and it matches the one I provide in the applications .plist file. I can't even think of a way to find a problem.
I ran the installer check on the bundle, and this is what I got. Perhaps the problem is with the bundle? However, according to the apple instructions, I can't add Installer Signing Certificate until I am in the submission process.
installer: Warning: PMBundle.pkg is not signed for store submission
installer: Installation Check: Passed
installer: Volume Check: Passed
installer: Bundle com.xxx.yyy will be relocated to /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Archived Applications/4612642F-468C-49B8-9331-A148DF9E20E6.apparchive/yyy.app
installer: Starting install
installer: Install 0.0% complete
installer: Install 9.1% complete
installer: Install 100.0% complete
installer: Finished install
(I shortened bundle id to 'com.xxx.yyy' and app name to 'yyy' in the example)
Any ideas would greatly help.
I had this error because i didn't have both the code signing certificates; 3rd Party Mac Developer Application and 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer.
打开钥匙串中,单击左侧面板证书和检查你有两个证书,如果你不下载它们都形成Mac开发中心,你要是再检查,在你发布的配置在X code,它在code标志字段设置为第三方Mac开发者的应用。
Open keychain, click certificates in the left panel and check you have both certificates, if you don't download them both form the Mac Dev Center, if you do then check that in your release configuration in Xcode that the code sign field is set to 3rd Party Mac Developer Application.
You then need to open organiser, find your app and when you share it to test it code sign it with the 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer certificate. Make sure you manually click the drop down menu and choose the certificate because there's a bug which doesn't register your code signing value and then doesn't sign your code.
这篇关于X $ C $ç组织者"验证"未能针对"没有任何其他的信息是关于这个问题"信息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!