本文介绍了如何启用在Amazon S3中的Cloudfront动态比特率切换?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am using JWPlayer with RTMP streaming for a video with several bitrate quality levels.


In the JWPlayer configuration you specify the qualities like this :

'levels': [
          { bitrate:"2920", width:"1920", file:"videos/sintel-1920.mp4" },
          { bitrate:"2080", width:"1280", file:"videos/sintel-1280.mp4" },
          { bitrate:"2080", width:"720", file:"videos/sintel-720.mp4" },
          { bitrate:"650", width:"480", file:"videos/sintel-480.mp4" },
          { bitrate:"420", width:"320", file:"videos/sintel-320.mp4" }


亚马逊的CloudFront的,您可以创建  流媒体分发提供  在不同的丰富的媒体内容  方式比其他Amazon CloudFront的  发行....亚马逊CloudFront的  使用Adobe的FLASH®媒体服务器  增强其流分布.....

.....你也可以配置  流媒体分发使用动态  比特率流。启用时,  此功能可让您存储多个  同一视频的副本,每间codeD  在不同的质量水平。您的  然后分配将自动  调整视频的基于质量  对最终用户的速度  互联网连接。

..... You can also configure your streaming distributions to use dynamic bit-rate streaming. When enabled, this feature lets you store multiple copies of the same video, each encoded at different quality levels. Your distribution will then automatically adjust the quality of your video based on the speed of the end user’s internet connection.

这意味着,在Amazon S3中有两个流分布动态比特率流分配一个单独的配置。这是正确的?

This implies that in Amazon S3 there are both streaming distributions and a separate configuration for dynamic bit-rate streaming distributions. Is this correct?

这是否意味着我必须启用亚马逊的一项功能,以获得最佳的动态切换 - 或将JWPlayer开关本身就好了?我不清楚这是否是一个独立的断绝侧的功能,将超过JWPlayer工作的更好 - 还是它的工作原理与它一起。

Does this mean I have to enable a feature in Amazon to get the best dynamic switching - or will JWPlayer switch by itself just fine? I'm not clear if this is a separate sever side function that will work better than JWPlayer - or whether it works in conjunction with it.


Any further information on this?



These documents are always confusing. You do not need to bother, JW player takes care of this, but you do have to upload those different video formats to your streaming enabled bucket, of course.

这篇关于如何启用在Amazon S3中的Cloudfront动态比特率切换?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!