

只是想知道在哪种情况下我们应该选择 @RequestParam @PathVariable 。我知道:

Just curious to know in which scenario we should go for @RequestParam and @PathVariable. I know that:

  1. @RequestParam 获取参数值而 @PathVariable 占位符值

  2. @RequestParam 在提出请求时可以是可选的(必需= false)而必须提供 @PathVariable 值。

  3. 当我们想要使用 @RequestParam 时,我们必须知道属性语法,但 @PathVariable 不需要

  1. @RequestParam takes parameter value whereas @PathVariable takes placeholder value
  2. @RequestParam can be optional (required=false) while making request whereas @PathVariable value has to be provided.
  3. When we want to use @RequestParam we have to know the property syntax but for @PathVariable not required


Is there any other reason to go for specific one?


如果你想遵守'statefull'网址,请使用 @PathVariable

Use @PathVariable if you want to adhere to 'statefull' URLs.

例如: -

/customer/:id   Customer view/edit page
/customer/      Customer Add page
/customer/list  List Customer Page
/customer/:cid/order  All order of a Customer
/customer/:cid/order/:oid  Specific order of a partucular Customer.


Wisely using Path Variable will result in URL that gives you hint/clue about what the resulting view/page means.


@RequestParams can be used to exatract data which is not passed as path params. Your MVC handler can have combination of two as required.


10-12 21:04