

我在嵌入式系统编程背景(TI ,爱特梅尔的)。如何编程比那些不同的一个Arduino?我可以把关于C什么知识来编程Arduino的?

I have a background in programming embedded systems (TI MSP430, Atmel ATxmega). How is programming an Arduino different than those? What knowledge about C can I take in to programming the Arduino?


虽然我不知道有这个ATXMega呢,喜欢上了新Arduinos使用的ATmega328 8位AVR芯片使用AVR-GCC编译器。这允许编译C甚至C ++来的AVR芯片。在AVR-GCC的上一级是,C库,使编程的AVR更高层次的任务(不再需要参考寄存器直接,等等)。

While I don't know about the ATXMega, the 8-bit AVR chips like the ATmega328 used on the newer Arduinos use the AVR-GCC compiler. This allows for compiling C and even C++ to an AVR chip. One level above the AVR-GCC is the AVR Libc, a C library that makes programming for the AVR a higher level task (no longer have to refer to registers directly, and so on).

Arduino的IDE使用AVR-GCC和AVR libc库中的后端。此外,Arduino的IDE使得,像一个很好的串行接口

The Arduino IDE uses AVR-GCC and AVR libc library in the backend. In addition, the Arduino IDE makes other libraries available, like a nice Serial interface.


Finally, the Arduino comes with a bootloader burned on the AVR chip. The bootloader simply makes it possible to program the AVR using a serial connection (from USB) instead of an In-Sytem Programmer or Development Board.

够背景故事,来回答你的问题:Arduino的可以在C编程,甚至C ++。可用的库是用C写的,一切都将使用AVR-GCC编译。 Arduino的IDE甚至没有要求,我设置了一个来让你与Eclipse CDT和编程Arduino的。

Enough backstory, to answer your question: The Arduino can be programmed in C and even C++. The libraries available are written in C and everything will compiled using AVR-GCC. The Arduino IDE isn't even required, I set up a basic Eclipse project on GitHub to allow you to program the Arduino with Eclipse and CDT.



There seems to be a decent amount of interest in this topic. I wrote a blog post to try and give more in-depth details on the AVR, Arduino, and AVR-GCC.


10-23 06:51