有一个 jenkins 的声纳插件,它会触发里面的声纳构建CI(詹金斯),很有用.
There is a sonar plugin for jenkins, it triggers the sonar build inside CI (jenkins), it is useful.
虽然现在我想在不跳转到声纳网站的情况下查看 jenkins 中的声纳结果,但如果我只想查看这项工作的一些关键数据,它会很有用.
While now I want to see the sonar result inside jenkins without jumping to sonar websites, it is useful if I just want to see some key data for this job.
它可能是 jenkins 中的声纳报告插件.
It could be sonar-report plugin in jenkins.
我目前使用的一个丑陋的解决方案是使用 声纳网络 API.
One ugly solution I used so far is to use Sonar Web API.
我在作业(构建步骤)结束时添加了一个 curl
I add one curl
command in the end of job (build steps) to fetch the needed metrics like
curl http://sonar.sh.cn.ao.ericsson.se//api/resources?metrics=qi-quality-index,coverage,test_success_density&resource=54936 --output sonar-result.xml
然后我将 sonar-result.xml
Then I archive the sonar-result.xml
to make it visible inside the job.