

我使用ReSharper的,我想尝试的CodeRush所以我暂停ReSharper的和已安装的CodeRush随心。当我安装的CodeRush版2010年1月4日(从 downlad页)的快捷键不工作。

I was using Resharper and I wanted to try CodeRush so I suspended Resharper and installed CodeRush Xpress. When I installed CodeRush version 2010.1.4 (from this downlad page) the shortcuts did not work.


I tried F2 and other shortcuts that schold work but they did not. However I was able to invoke some CodeRush functions by clicking right mouse button and choosing "Refractor" from the drop down menu. When I choose it there is CodeRush action menu where I can select for example "Rename" but as I select it invokes VS default rename function, not the one of CodeRush.

在VS的菜单我看到只有一个最佳的选择DevXpress菜单项目 - 上载或加载的CodeRush

In the menu of VS I see DevXpress menu item that has only one choise - upload or load CodeRush.

我试图通过uninstaling ReSharper的,然后重新安装的CodeRush修复它,但结果是一样的。就如何解决它,或者我做错了任何想法?

I tried to fix it by uninstaling Resharper and then reinstalling CodeRush but the result is the same. Any ideas on how to fix it or what I did wrong ?


的CodeRush Xpress是切下来(自由)的版本完整版的CodeRush的。这不是试用或评估版本

CodeRush Xpress is a cut down (Free) version of the full version of CodeRush. It is not the trial or evaluation version


If you're looking to compare with Resharper, then you should check out the trial of full CodeRush rather than CodeRush Xpress. You may also want to consider installing this community plugin

我已经安装在目前的完整版本,所以不能仔细检查这一点,但的CodeRush全下,一些快捷方式(如 F2 )默认情况下未启用。

I have the full version installed at the moment and so cannot double check this, but under CodeRush full, some shortcuts (like ) are not enabled by default.

如果你坚持的CodeRush随心,主要的快捷方式,你应该看看下面的CodeRush随心使用控制 + `(在的CodeRush /重构键)

If you stick with CodeRush Xpress, the main shortcut you should look to use under CodeRush Xpress is + (the CodeRush/Refactor key)

另外有用的是控制 + 移 + 替代 + 0 (选项)

Also useful is + + + (Options)



09-15 14:34