),然后在 Messages Build 视图中浏览列表(在AppCode 2016.01 RC2中变得更好):
Is there a way to immediately see Swift errors in AppCode? On their website they talk about static code analysis, but nowhere could I find a claim that this happens instantly. When you type some Swift code in Xcode you usually see warnings, errors etc. immediately. In AppCode I first have to make the build (⌘F9
), then go through the list in the Messages Build view (which got way nicer in AppCode 2016.01 RC2):
I find this tedious, especially when you make some small typos that lead to syntax errors. They could be avoided upfront.
Currently this feature is not yet implemented for Swift and we are working on it right now. The most probably it will appear in the EAP for the next update.
UPD:自AppCode 2016.2开始实施
UPD: implemented since AppCode 2016.2
UPD 2:如果仍然存在此类问题-自2019.2起,您可以运行Find Action | Run Swift IDE Report
UPD 2: if you still have such problem - since 2019.2 you can run Find Action | Run Swift IDE Report
and attach to the ticket in our tracker. Most probably it's a specific problem and such report will help us to analyze this issue.