


Escape character (\) can be used to escape end of line, e.g.

% echo This could be \
a very \
long line\!
This could be a very long line!

但是,不是由\n表示的具有两个字符的行尾(换行).转义的结果不应为 \n 的文字.例如

however, isn't end of line (new line) represented by \n which has two characters. shouldn't the result of the escape be the literal of \n. e.g.

%echo $'\\n'


抱歉,我的解释不够好.我没有在回声换行.我想知道为什么\能够对具有两个字符的换行符(\n)进行替换,而不仅仅是在换行符中转义反斜杠并生成\ n

Sorry, I didn't explain it well enough. I am not trying to echo a new line. I am wondering why \ is able to new line character (\n) which has two character instead of just escape the backslash in the new line character and produce the literal of \n


实际上,\n不是真的换行符-它是表示的转义序列换行符(在Linux中只是一个字符).行尾的\会转义您使用Enter键键入的 actual 换行符.您可以使用 hexdump 来查看哪些ASCII值代表不同的字符:

Actually, \n is not really a newline character -- it is an escape sequence that represents a newline (which is just one character in Linux). The \ at the end of a line escapes the actual newline character that you type in using the enter key. You can look at what ASCII values represent different characters using hexdump:

%echo $'\\n'
%echo $'\\n' | hexdump -C
00000000  5c 6e 0a                   |\n.|

您会注意到回显打印了3个字符:\(5c),n(6e)和换行符(0a).您还将注意到,在hexdump输出的右侧,换行符显示为.",因为它被视为 non -打印字符.

You will notice that echo printed out 3 characters: \ (5c), n (6e), and a newline (0a). You will also notice that on the right hand side of the hexdump output, newline shows up as a ".", because it is considered a non-printing character.


09-05 17:16