

如下所示,我具有 load-mobile-plan 函数,该函数迭代文本并将第n行和n + 1行(n =奇数)构造为一对,然后将其附加到列表.

As shown below, I have the load-mobile-plan function which iterate the text and construct the nth and n+1 lines(n = odd) into a pair, it then append it to a list.

(define temp-pair '())
(define mobile-plan '())

(define load-mobile-plan
  (lambda (file)
    (let [(line (read-line file))]
      (unless (eof-object? line)
        (set! temp-pair (cons line (read-line file)))
        (set! mobile-plan (cons temp-pair mobile-plan))
        (load-mobile-plan file)))))

(call-with-input-file "xxx.txt" load-mobile-plan)


My questions:
-Is this an appropriate method in functional programming? As i heard that function in functional programming should not have side-effects and depends on its own input variables only.
-If so, how to modify my codes to achieve same goal?


(define load-mobile-plan
  (lambda (file)
    (let [(mobile-plan '())]
      (read-file file mobile-plan))))

(define read-file
  (lambda (file mobile-plan)
    (let [(line (read-line file))]
      (if [eof-object? line]mobile-plan
          (let* [(temp-pair (cons (string-normalize-spaces line)
                                  (string-normalize-spaces (read-line file))))
                 (mobile-plan (cons temp-pair mobile-plan))]
            (read-file file mobile-plan))))))

(call-with-input-file "xxx.txt" load-mobile-plan)


09-27 04:04