我已经使用Raphael.js设置了绘图实用程序.用户可以绘制形状,路径并输入文本.一旦用户向svg添加了文本-> Paper.text(),该svg就会进入可选状态.意思是,如果我添加文本并切换到钢笔工具,则在svg周围移动钢笔会导致相邻的dom元素进入其:: selection状态.
I've setup a drawing utility with Raphael.js. The user can draw shapes, paths and enter text. Once a user adds text -> Paper.text() to the svg the svg goes into a selectable state. Meaning, if I add text and switch to the pen tool, moving the pen around the svg will cause adjacent dom elements to go into their ::selection state.
So I'd like to convert the text to a path to prevent this from happening. I don't see anything like this in the documentation.
如果使用print()而不是text()进行文本打印,则文本将是拉斐尔路径对象. (print()使用可渲染为拉斐尔路径的cufon javascript字体).
if you use print() instead of text() for text printing, then the text will be a raphael path object. (print() use a cufon javascript font that renders to a raphael path).