I am curious whether it would be better to place the adcontrol in the PhoneApplicationFrame versus an adcontrol on every page. By better, I mean more revenue (of course).
*使用 框架中的AdControl, 当广告投放时,它将具有保持更长时间的能力,因为当用户在页面之间移动时它不会刷新。
* with the AdControl in the Frame, when an ad is served, it will have the capability to stay up longer since it will not refresh as user moves between pages.
* With AdControl on each page, if an ad is not served (which is happening more frequently), there is a chance for an ad request to happen if the user moves to a new page (otherwise I have to wait 30sec.)
I am pretty ignorant in how pubcenter's algorithms work. Does anyone have any insights into which strategy would be better?