


I a vector of vectors, each representing a a set (in the mathematical sense). For example:

{{1, 3}, {4, 9, 14}, {1, 3}, {1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16}, {1, 3, 9}, {4, 9, 17, 22}}

我想使最高效的C ++可能的函数能够过滤(如果可能的话)向量,以删除包含另一个的每个项目。

I want to make the most efficient C++ possible function capable of filtering (in place, if possible) the vector in order to remove every item that contains another.


  • {1,3} 包含在 {1,3} {1,3,9}

  • {4,9,14} 包含在 {1,4,8,9,10,14,16}

  • {1, 3} is contained by {1, 3} and {1, 3, 9}
  • {4, 9, 14} is contained by {1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16}


{{1, 3}, {4, 9, 14}, {4, 9, 17, 22}}

在我开始使用C ++时,并没有真正有效的方法。我发现,在其他答案在这里,擦除/删除成语,这似乎不是非常适合这里,除了通过擦除闭包作为谓词。这在C ++中似乎并不真实。

As I'm beginning with C++ don't really have any clue of how to do this efficiently. I found, on other answers here, the erase / remove idiom, which doesn't seem to be very appropriate here, except by passing erase a closure as predicate. Which doesn't seem really idiomatic in C++.


Please note that keeping the original ordering doesn't matter, nor does the ordering of values inside each set.



Given what I learnt so far, thanks to your very helpful comments, the solution I came up with is:

struct std::vector<size_t> colset;

bool less_colsets(const colset& a, const colset& b) {
  return a.size() < b.size();

void sort_colsets(std::list<colset>& l) {

void strip_subsets(std::list<colset>& l) {
  for (std::list<colset>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) {
    std::list<colset>::iterator j = next(i, 1);
    while (j != l.end()) {
      if (includes((*j).begin(), (*j).end(), (*i).begin(), (*i).end())) {
        j = l.erase(j);
      else {

我替换了最外面的 std :: vector by std :: list 这是更加优化的元素删除任何地方。

Note that I replaced the outermost std::vector by std::list which is much more optimised for element removal anywhere.


This seems to work as expected, though I'd need some more tests to prove this.

编辑:看起来像 std :: includes 已经处理了这个事实。 YAY!

Edit: Looks like std::includes already takes care of this fact. YAY!



09-05 09:46