我需要创建一个XML xPath解析器。所有解析都必须在客户端进行(使用javascript)。我创建了一个执行此操作的javascript,在默认命名空间发挥作用之前,所有内容都可以正常运行。我根本无法查询具有默认命名空间的XML。
I need to create an XML xPath parser. All parsing has to happen on client side (using javascript). I created an javascript that does this, and everything looks OK until default namespaces come into play. I simply can't query XML that has default namespace.
I created an example code on fiddle. In xmlString is XML string received from server. In xPathString is query done on received XML.
- - 没有名称空间 - 一切正常
- - 添加了ns名称空间element有ns:前缀。 xPath使用此前缀 - 确定
- - 使用默认命名空间 - 不确定如何配置xPathString。
- http://jsfiddle.net/BF34q/1/ - no namespaces - everything works OK
- http://jsfiddle.net/BF34q/2/ - ns namespace added. element has ns: prefix. xPath uses this prefix - OK
- http://jsfiddle.net/BF34q/3/ - default namespace used - not sure how to configure xPathString.
Note that others will use this parser, so I would really like to avoid solutions like
var xPathString = "//*[local-name()='book']";
and enable them to parse it using simple xPath expressions. I wonder if it is possible to assign default namespace prefix in javascript?
Note: The example provided on fiddle will not work in IE.
I think there are three ways to do this:
- 使用
// * [local-name()='book']
访问节点的语法 - ,使用RegExp删除默认命名空间,
- 对于事先知道命名空间的XML文件,您可以创建,它允许您使用自己的前缀作为默认命名空间。
- Use
syntax for accessing nodes - Convert XML to string, remove default namespace using RegExp, convert it back to XML
- For XML files where you know namespaces in advance, you can create your own namespace resolver, which will allow you to use your own prefix for default namespace.
function nsResolver(prefix) {
switch (prefix) {
case 'xhtml':
return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
case 'mathml':
return 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML';
return 'http://example.com/domain';
xml.evaluate('//myPrefix:book', xml, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);