我正在Internet上搜索,以找到最适合于非常大的数据集的排序算法。我发现许多人认为合并排序是最好的,因为它是公平的,并且它可以确保时间复杂度为O(n log n)并且快速排序是不安全的:诚然,快速排序的变体也可以不安全,因为实际数据集可以是任何数据。
I was searching on the Internet to find which sorting algorithm is best suitable for a very large data set. I found that many have an opinion that merge sort is best because it is fair, as well as that it ensures that time complexity is O(n log n) and quick sort is not safe: It is also true that variations of quicksort can also be not safe because the real data set can be anything.
If swapping of the two elements has negligible time cost, then why can't we choose heap sort as the best sorting algorithm in this case because it is in place as well as O(n log n)?.
如果是Merge sort,则需要另一个O(n)空间;如果数据非常大,则我们不能使用此算法。
In case of Merge sort it requires another O(n) space; if the data is very large then we can't use this algorithm.
Please tell me: which algorithm should be the best in this scenario?.
There's no one algorithm that's clearly the "best" algorithm. It depends on a bunch of factors.
For starters, can you fit your data into main memory? If you can't, then you'd need to rely on an external sorting algorithm. These algorithms are often based on quicksort and mergesort.
Second, do you know anything about your input distribution? If it's mostly sorted, then something like Timsort might be a great option, since it's designed to work well on sorted data. If it's mostly random, Timsort is probably not a good choice.
Third, what kind of elements are you sorting? If you are sorting generic objects, then you're pretty much locked into comparison sorting. If not, perhaps you could use a non-comparison sort like counting sort or radix sort.
Fourth, how many cores do you have? Some sorting algorithms (quicksort, mergesort, MSD radix sort) parallelize really well, while others do not (heapsort).
Fifth, how are your data represented? If they're stored in an array, quicksort or a quicksort variant will likely do well because of locality of reference, while mergesort might be slow due to the extra memory needed. If they're in a linked list, though, the locality of reference from quicksort goes away and mergesort suddenly becomes competitive again.
The best option is probably to take a lot of different factors into account and then make a decision from there. One of the reason it's so fun to design and study algorithms is that there's rarely one single best choice; often, the best option depends a ton on your particular situation and changes based on what you're seeing.
(您提到了有关quicksort,heapsort和mergesort的一些详细信息我想在总结这个答案之前先讲一下。您说对了,快速排序的简并O(n )简直是最糟糕的情况,但是有很多方法可以避免这种情况。递归深度并在看起来像快速排序将退化的情况下将算法切换到堆排序,这保证了O(n log n)最坏情况的行为且内存开销较低,并最大化了您从快速排序中获得的收益。仍然有O(n )最坏的情况,实际上碰到最坏情况的可能性很小。
(You mentioned a few details about quicksort, heapsort, and mergesort that I wanted to touch on before wrapping up this answer. While you're right that quicksort has a degenerate O(n) worst case, there are many ways to avoid this. The introsort algorithm keeps track of the recursion depth and switches the algorithm to heapsort if it looks like the quicksort will degenerate. This guarantees O(n log n) worst-case behavior with low memory overhead and maximizes the amount of benefit you get from quicksort. Randomized quicksort, while still having an O(n) worst case, has a vanishingly small probability of actually hitting that worst case.
Heapsort is a good algorithm in practice, but isn't as fast as the other algorithms in some cases because it doesn't have good locality of reference. That said, the fact that it never degenerates and needs only O(1) auxiliary space is a huge selling point.
Mergesort does need a lot of auxiliary memory, which is one reason why you might not want to use it if you have a huge amount of data to sort. It's worth knowing about, though, since its variants are widely used.)