我正在为基于ARM的目标(TI AM335x EVM)的Qt5.2应用程序进行交叉编译,但是它无法在我的平台上显示任何内容.经过一番谷歌搜索,我发现如果我用以下方法启动它:
I was doing some cross compiling of a Qt5.2 application for an ARM based target (TI AM335x EVM) and it was failing to display anything on my platform. After doing some google’ing I found that if I launched it with:
./helloworld -platform eglfs
it would show up (full screen, but it worked)!
I started looking at all the platform options, I found:
我想知道它们的作用.例如,我假设如果我想在Android设备上运行我的应用程序,则必须通过-platform android
I’m wondering what they are for. I assume, for example, that if I wanted to run my application on an Android device I’d have to pass -platform android
, but they’re not all obvious to me.
Is there a listing anywhere of when each of these parameters should be used?
For example, what does eglfs
stand for? And why did I need to use that where as linuxfb
didn’t work?
(I would have thought the linux frame buffer was how I wanted to launch my application since it was running on embedded linux)
If the linuxfb
plugin doesn't work, then possibly you didn't correctly configure the framebuffer device on your system. Maybe a directf layer is already running, so you may want to try the directfb
plugin instead.
If you wish to avoid having to specify the platform option when you run the executable, you can pass the default one to configure
when you build Qt.
Linux plugins - those use Linux-specific input devices and various output devices
eglfs-在全屏模式下使用OpenGL ES.没有其他方法,因为OpenGL没有窗口管理器的概念.
eglfs - Uses the OpenGL ES in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since OpenGL has no concept of a window manager.
directfb(不是directfp)-通过 directfb 层将Linux帧缓冲区与OpenGL ES一起使用.集成到directfb窗口中.
directfb (not directfp) - Uses the linux frame buffer with OpenGL ES via the directfb layer. Integrates into the directfb windowing.
linuxfb - Uses the linux frame buffer in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since linuxfb has no concept of a window manager.
kms - Uses linux kernel modesetting API in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since DRM has no concept of a window manager.
openwfd-在全屏模式下使用 openwfd Wifi显示.由于openwfd没有窗口管理器的概念,因此没有其他方法.
openwfd - Uses an openwfd Wifi display in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since openwfd has no concept of a window manager.
Platform-independent plugins - could be made to run on any OS
xcb - Runs on an X11 server and is integrated into the X11 windowing environment. Generally it won't behave correctly without a window manager running as well. Can be made to work on Windows, given a Windows implementation of xlib, if you want to, say, serve applications from a Windows server to X11 thin terminals (typically Unix boxes).
offscreen - Renders to an offscreen buffer. Useful for rendering to custom displays.
minimal - A minimalistic backing store that optionally dumps the virtual screen to a file. Implements the bare minimum of functionality just to demonstrate how to start writing a platform plugin.
android-使用Android API,并集成到Android环境中.
android - Uses the Android APIs and is integrated into the Android environment.
windows - Uses the WINAPI and is integrated into the Windows windowing environment.
可可-使用可可API,并集成到OS X窗口环境中.
cocoa - Uses the Cocoa APIs and is integrated into the OS X windowing environment.
iOS - Uses the iOS toolkits and is integrated into the iOS environment.
qnx-使用QNX API,并集成到QNX光子窗口环境中.
qnx - Uses the QNX APIs and is integrated into the QNX photon windowing environment.