Ok, dumb question I know but I see the nebulous comment 'a large database' as well as small and medium and I wonder just what that means. Can someone define what a small, medium and large database is for us SQL neophytes?
There isn't a threshold where a small database becomes medium or a medium database becomes large. Generally, when I hear these terms, I think of particular orders of magnitude in terms of total records being stored.
- 小:10 条记录。
- 中:10 至10 至10 sup> 9 或更大数量的记录。
- Small: 10 or fewer records.
- Medium: 10 to 10 records.
- Large: 10 to 10 records.
- Very large: 10 or greater number of records.
建议使用海报 le dorfier ,您还可以根据每种类型的属性数据库有。以这种方式分类,我会说:
As poster le dorfier suggested, you could also think about it in terms of the properties each kind of database has. Categorizing it this way, I'd say:
Small: Performance is not a concern. Your queries run fine without making any special optimizations. You see only a marginal performance difference when using front-line enhancements like indexes.
Medium: Your database probably has one or more staff that are assigned part-time to its maintenance and care. These people pay attention to the database's health; their primary administrative responsibility is to prevent unacceptable performance problems and minimize downtime.
Large: Probably has dedicated staff member(s) whose job is to work on the database and improve performance, as well as make sure that application changes don't cause schema breakage over the lifetime of the database. Metrics about the health and status of the database are monitored closely. Significant expertise is required to understand and perform optimizations.
Very large: The database stores vast amounts of information that must be readily accessible. Performance optimizations are absolutely required to wring every last ounce of speed out of each queries, and without it, the database would be much less usable or even impossible to use. The database may be using sophisticated or innovative replication or clustering techniques, pushing the boundaries of current technology.
Note that these are entirely subjective, and that someone may very well have a perfectly legitimate alternate definition of "large".