我的应用程序刚刚在iTunes Store上线,之后,我无法开始任何购买。我已经测试了该应用程序及其在Sandbox envoirnemnt中的正常工作。但Live应用程序提供错误
My application has just gone live on the iTunes Store, and after that, I am unable to start any purchase. I have tested the application and its working fine in Sandbox envoirnemnt. But Live application gives the error
错误域= SKErrorDomain代码= 0无法连接到iTunes Store
枚举值= SKErrorUnknown
I have tried signing out any test accounts from Store login, but it just doesn't ask for any account login and error keeps on coming. Any clue!
This can happen because of the two problems i guess.
确保放置了正确的产品标识符。如果是这种情况,那么在您调用 - [SKPaymentQueue addPayment:]之后不久,您将收到错误0获取弹出窗口,要求您确认付款。
Make sure you have placed the correct "Product Identifier".If that's the case, then you'll get error 0 shortly after calling -[SKPaymentQueue addPayment:], before you get the popup asking you to confirm payment.
您的测试用户已失效。如果您不小心与测试用户一起登录App Store,就会发生这种情况。如果发生这种情况,您输入密码后将收到错误0以确认付款。
Your test user has become invalidated. This can happen if you accidentally log into the App Store with your test user. When this happens, you'll get error 0 after entering your password to confirm your payment.
解决问题# 1,传递正确的产品ID。要修复问题#2,请在iTunes Connect上创建一个新的测试用户,并选择删除旧的测试用户。
To fix problem #1, pass in the correct product ID. To fix problem #2, create a new test user on iTunes Connect, and optionally delete the old test user.
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