


SCTP has native multi-homing support which if I understand it correctly will automatically reroute your packets over a secondary NIC if the primary interface goes down. I duplicated this functionality with TCP by writing a custom routing deamon to modify the routing tables if my primary NIC goes down. I would like to try using SCTP instead.

在Steven的 Unix网络编程V1第三版中,它说:

In Steven's Unix Network Programming V1 3rd Edition on page 288 it says:


Now I've tried this with fairly poor results.

我正在Ubuntu 9.04上运行,并安装了libsctp1,libsctp-dev和lksctp-tools软件包.我已经用lksctp-tools验证了SCTP是否正常工作.

I'm running on Ubuntu 9.04 with the libsctp1, libsctp-dev, and lksctp-tools packages installed. I've verified with lksctp-tools that SCTP is working properly.

我使用了 UNP示例代码,并按照~/unpv13e/tcpcliserv/tcpserv04.c和程序.

I took the UNP example code and modified as indicated above the ~/unpv13e/tcpcliserv/tcpserv04.c and ~/unpv13e/select/tcpcli02.c programs.

这是一个简单的回显服务器/客户端对.服务器显然在侦听运行,但是客户端退出说连接被拒绝.由于netstat不支持SCTP,因此我使用了lsof -n | grep tcpserv向我显示:

This is a simple echo server / client pair. The server runs apparently listening, but the client exits saying the connection was refused. Since netstat doesn't support SCTP I used lsof -n | grep tcpserv which showed me:

tcpserv04 6208      alice    3u     sock        0,4            33889 can't identify protocol


This doesn't seem to tell me much other than tcpserv04 has some kind of socket open.


I had already rewrote and tested the original TCP client in perl, so I switched it to sctp and was able to connect although piping a file on stdin didn't completely work ( hung about 2/3's of the way through receiving the echo's back ).


It seems like UNP is implying that porting TCP applications to SCTP to take advantage of multi-homing is trivial, yet based this simple attempt that doesn't really seem to be the case.


Can anyone point me to a good tutorial or give good advice on any gotcha's to watch out for when porting TCP apps to one-to-one-style SCTP to take advantage of multi-homing?



tcpcli02 tries to connect to port 7, while tcpserv04 listens on port 9877 (the default value for SERV_PORT). After changing those to match, it works for me.


Support for SCTP generally is very bad. Unless you control the entire network infrastructure between the hosts you are trying to connect, I would not count on it to work reliably.Porting the applications itself should be fairly hassle-free, as mentioned in UNP.


10-10 08:43