


I was trying to get Matz and Flanagan's "Ruby Programming Language" metaprogramming chapter into my head, However I couldn't understand the output from the following code snippet that I dreamed up:

p Module.constants.length           # => 88
$snapshot1 = Module.constants       
class A

  $snapshot2 = Module.constants
  p $snapshot2.length               # => 90
  p $snapshot2 - $snapshot1         # => ["A", "NAME"]

p Module.constants.length           # => 89
p Module.constants - $snapshot1     # => ["A"]
p A.constants                       # => ["NAME"]


The book states that the class method constants returns the list of constants for the class (as you can see in the output for A.constants).I was trying to get the list of constants defined for the Module class when I came across the above strange behavior.


A's constants show up in Module.constants. How do I get the list of constants defined by the Module class?



Since A inherits its implementation from Module.constants, how does it behave differently in the base and derived types?

p A.class               # => Class
p A.class.ancestors       # => [Class, Module, Object, Kernel]

注意:如果您使用的是Ruby 1.9,constants将返回符号数组,而不是字符串.

Note: If you're using Ruby 1.9, constants would return an array of symbols instead of strings.




Your confusion is due to the fact that the class method Module.constants hides the instance method Module#constants for Module.

在Ruby 1.9中,已通过添加可选参数解决了该问题:

In Ruby 1.9, this has been addressed by adding an optional parameter:

# No argument: same class method as in 1.8:
Module.constants         # ==> All constants
# One argument: uses the instance method:
Module.constants(true)   # ==> Constants of Module (and included modules)
Module.constants(false)  # ==> Constants of Module (only).


In your example above, A.constants calls Module#constants (the instance method), while Module.constants calls, well, Module.constants.

因此在Ruby 1.9中,您想调用Module.constants(true).

In Ruby 1.9, you thus want to call Module.constants(true).

在Ruby 1.8中,可以在Module上调用实例方法#constants.您需要获取实例方法并将其绑定为类方法(使用其他名称):

In Ruby 1.8, it is possible to call the instance method #constants on Module. You need to get the instance method and bind it as a class method (using a different name):

class << Module
  define_method :constants_of_module, Module.instance_method(:constants)

# Now use this new class method:
class Module
   COOL = 42
Module.constants.include?("COOL")  # ==> false, as you mention
Module.constants_of_module         # ==> ["COOL"], the result you want

我希望能够将backports gem的1.9功能完全回迁到1.8,但是我想不出一种方法来在Ruby 1.8中仅获取Module的常量,但不包括继承的常量.

I wish I was able to backport the 1.9 functionality completely to 1.8 for my backports gem, but I can't think of a way to get only the constants of a Module, excluding the inherited ones, in Ruby 1.8.


Edit: Just changed the official documentation to correctly reflect this...


10-25 00:34