我想从一个依赖关系中排除所有的传递性依赖关系。在某些地方,我看到它建议使用通配符 < dependency>
< groupId> myParentPackage< / groupId>
< artifactId> myParentProject< / artifactId>
< version> 1.00.000< / version>
< exclude>
< groupId> *< / groupId>
< artifactId> *< / artifactId>
< / exclusion>
< / exclusions>
< / dependency>
'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.groupId':值为'*'的myParentProject:jar与有效的id模式不匹配。 @行146,第30列
所以现在我不知道这是不推荐的功能,我不应该使用,如果警告错了,或功能还没有完全实现(我正在使用Maven 3.0.4)...有没有人知道更多这个?
p>这是Maven 3.2.1中的支持功能 - 。
I want to exclude all transitive dependencies from one dependency. In some places I've seen it suggested to use a wildcard for that
When I do that I get a warning:
'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.groupId' for myParentPackage:myParentProject:jar with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern. @ line 146, column 30
The declaration itself is successful though: The transitive dependencies really are ignored in my build.
I've also found a old feature request that does request exactly this feature
So now I don't know if this is a deprecated feature that I shouldn't use, if the warning's wrong, or of the feature hasn't been completely implemented yet (I'm using Maven 3.0.4) ...Does anybody know more about this?
This is a supported feature in Maven 3.2.1 - see 'Transitive dependency excludes' section in the release notes.