I swtiched a few days ago from VS1010 to VS2012 and the change gave me no trouble at all. Yesterday I took a compiled DLL to another machine and noticed it wouldn't work at all, not even load. Since the DLL runs bug free on the computer that I use to develop I thought it would be an unresolved dependency and I was right.
使用VS2010 v110工具集进行构建时,还有另一个其他依赖项:VCOMP110.DLL。有没有办法在编译时静态地包含此DLL,这样我就不必随软件一起重新分发它了?
When building with VS2010 v110 toolset there's another additional dependency: VCOMP110.DLL . Is there a way to statically include this DLL at compilation time so I won't have to redistribute it along with the software?
应该是Microsoft®C / C ++ OpenMP运行时
It should be Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime
But i didn't found a lib.