本文介绍了JavaScript ECMAScript 5中的类?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道JavaScript ECMAScript 5中是否有类?我读了一些文献,对此有不同的看法。我知道可以模拟类,但是我不确定它们是否称为类。

I would like to get to know if there are classes in JavaScript ECMAScript 5? I read some literature and there are different opinions about it. I know that it is possible to emulate classes, but I am not sure if they are called classes. Do you maybe also have some proofs?


Are these classes simply pseudo classes or what is the correct term for it?


JavaScript / ECMAScript是基于原型的

JavaScript/ECMAScript is a prototype-based programming language.


Wikipedia’s definition of this is:

好吧,知道它是您的决定是否称其为 classes

Well, know it is your decision whether to call them classes.

但是JS世界中的某些人称它们为类,而使用ECMAScript 6时,会有一个关键字来创建此类原型,称为 class 。 (这暗示这些原型应称为 class 。)

But some people in the JS world call them classes and with ECMAScript 6 there will be a keyword to create such prototypes, called class. (Which implies that these prototypes should be called class.)

由于您正在编写在论文中,您可以定义类的定义(那里有一些定义),提及您使用的类以及它是否适用于JavaScript。 (如果某种程度上属于您的工作。)

Since you are writing a paper, you could take a definition of class (there are a few out there), mention which you used and whether that is applicable in JavaScript. (If that somehow belongs to your work.)

class 的一些定义在John C. Mitchell的一本很棒的书中也得到了总结。 (Mitchell,John:《编程语言的概念》,剑桥大学出版社,2003年。)

Some definitions of class are also summarized in a great book by John C. Mitchell. (Mitchell, John: Concepts in Programming Languages. Cambridge University Press, 2003.)

在Simula中的 classes 上,他写道:(p。326

On classes in Simula he writes: (p. 326)

在Smalltalk的 classes 中,他写道:(第327页)。

On classes in Smalltalk he writes: (p. 327)

他还指出Java和C ++中的 classes 概念与面向对象服务的先驱Smalltalk中的概念非常相似。

He also states that the concept of classes in Java and C++ is very similar to the concept in Smalltalk, which was a OO pioneer.

我们可以看到 class 的定义可以不同,但​​是上述两个定义似乎与JavaScript原型不太匹配。

We can see that class can be defined differently, but both definitions above don’t seem to quite match JavaScript prototypes.

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