


  • 状态由实例承载 - 状态在此上下文中的含义和示例(c ++是首选)

  • 方法由类承载 - 这可能意味着如果我想知道对象的方法,我需要查看该对象的类。

  • 继承只是结构和行为 - 只有结构和行为是继承的?

  • 等等...




ECMAScript 6类作为语法糖的背景


  class Foo {
this.c = a;
this.d = b;

static bar(){}



  function Foo(a, b){
this.c = a;
this.d = b;

Foo.bar = function(){};

Foo.prototype = {


  class Foo extends Bar {


/ h2>

类的一个实例是类似于C ++的对象。

  class Foo {
this.value = a;

return this.value;

var foo = new Foo(42);
console.log(foo.getValue()); // print 42

C ++中的等价物:

  class Foo {
int value;
Foo(int a):value(a){}

int getValue(){
return value;

void main(){
Foo foo = new Foo(42);
std :: cout<<< + foo.getValue()<<的std :: ENDL;

如您所见,一个实例类在ES6和C ++中的行为方式相同,但是ES6中的 private public 封装没有字面上的等价物。

在ECMAScript中,您可以覆盖类的实例上的函数,因为它只是一个像其他的对象。 / p>

  var foo = new Foo(42); 
foo.getValue = function(){return this.value + 1; };
console.log(foo.getValue()); //返回43
console.log(foo.constructor.prototype.getValue.call(foo)); //返回42

使用 .constructor.prototype 新的关键字。

这是一个麻烦的措辞,他们有选择。我相信他们的意思是,像ECMAScript一样,类的一个实例只是另外一个对象,你可以修改几乎所有的东西,而在C ++中,一个类的实例有更严格的要求。您无法向实例添加新方法,因此无法添加新属性,您无法打破语言为您提供的限制。


This is the snippet from ECMAScript Specification June 2015. I don't understant parts of this text.

  • State is carried by instances - what does state mean in this context and example of this (c++ is preferred)
  • Methods are carried by classes - this probably means , that if I want to know object's methods , I need to look at the class of that object.
  • Inheritance is only of structure and behaviour - only structure and behaviour is inherited?
  • And so on...

Can anyone please explain this in details? examples would be great.


Okay, I'll take a shot at answering this question.

Background on ECMAScript 6 classes as syntactic sugar

ES6 classes are just syntactic sugar over the ordinary prototypal inheritance found in ECMAScript (aka JavaScript).

class Foo {
    constructor(a, b) {
      this.c = a;
      this.d = b;

    static bar() {}

    another() {}

This is equivalent to:

function Foo(a, b) { 
  this.c = a; 
  this.d = b; 

Foo.bar = function() {};

Foo.prototype = {
  another: function() {}

Doing inheritance in ES6 is a lot easier than the old method though:

class Foo extends Bar {

Doing the same in ES5 or earlier is prone to issues, but that is slightly off-topic.


An instance of a class is an object similar to C++.

class Foo {
  constructor(a) {
    this.value = a;

  getValue() {
    return this.value;

var foo = new Foo(42);
console.log(foo.getValue()); // prints 42

Equivalent in C++:

class Foo {
  int value;  
  Foo(int a) : value(a) {}

  int getValue() {
    return value;

void main() {
  Foo foo = new Foo(42);
  std::cout << +foo.getValue() << std::endl;

As you can see, the instances of a class behave the same way in ES6 and C++, however there are no literal equivalents to private or public encapsulation in ES6.

In ECMAScript, you can override functions on an instance of a class, as it is just an object like everything else.

var foo = new Foo(42);
foo.getValue = function() { return this.value + 1; };
console.log(foo.getValue()); // returns 43
console.log(foo.constructor.prototype.getValue.call(foo)); // returns 42

Using .constructor.prototype of an object gets the prototype of the object when it has been instantiated with the new keyword.

It is a cumbersome wording they have chosen. What I believe they mean is that as in ECMAScript, an instance of a class is just another object like anything else, you can modify almost everything about it, while in C++, an instance of a class has stricter requirements. You can't add new methods to an instance, you can't add new properties, and you can't break the constraints that the language has provided for you.

I hope this answers your questions. If anything isn't clear, please comment and I'll edit it.


09-21 11:30