本文介绍了将Spring Insight与Tomcat 6结合使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想将Spring Insight与Tomcat 6一起使用.由于无法控制的原因,我无法使用TC服务器.因此,我正在考虑将Spring Insight与Tomcat 6集成.之前有没有人为此工作过?或者可以有人将我指向任何文档.

I want to use Spring Insight with Tomcat 6. I cant use TC server because of reasons beyond my control. So I am looking at integrating Spring Insight with Tomcat 6. Has any one worked on this before or can any one point me to any documentation.

谢谢, 阿努伊


Insight Developer(免费产品)有两种形式,与tc Server Developer打包在一起,与STS打包在一起.这两个选项都不会提供将Insight安装到Tomcat的简便机制.我并不是说这不可能完成,没有简单的方法可以做到这一点.

Insight Developer (the free product) comes in two form, packaged with tc Server Developer and packaged with STS. Neither option will provide an easy mechanism for installing Insight into Tomcat. I'm not saying that it can't be done, there is just no simple way to do it.


If you really want to run Insight on Tomcat then you are going to need to do some work. Here are the rough steps that you'll need to do.

  1. 下载vFabric tc Server Developer
  2. 创建一个启用了Insight的vFabric tc Server实例.
  3. 下载最新的Apache Tomcat 6.0.x或7.0.x
  4. 复制以下文件&带有Insight的tc Server实例中的文件夹

  1. Download vFabric tc Server Developer
  2. Create a vFabric tc Server instance which has Insight enabled.
  3. Download the latest Apache Tomcat 6.0.x or 7.0.x
  4. Copy the following files & folders from the tc Server instance w/Insight

  • bin/setenv.sh
  • bin/insight-bootstrap-tcserver-1.8.3.RELEASE.jar
  • 洞察力
  • lib/*
  • webapps/insight.war


Edit conf/server.xml and add the following Valve to the Engine block.

<Valve className="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.request.HttpRequestOperationCollectionValve"/>


Edit conf/context.xml and add the following before the closing Context tag.

<Loader loaderClass="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.ltw.TomcatWeavingInsightClassLoader" />

<Listener className="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.lifecycle.ApplicationLifecycleCollectionListener" />


Start the Tomcat instance.

或者,Insight Operations(一种付费产品)使此操作变得更加容易,并提供了一个安装程序,可让您轻松,快速地将Insight Agent添加到包括ASF Tomcat在内的不同容器中.这是文档的链接.

Alternatively, Insight Operations (a paid product) makes this much easier and offers an installer that allows you to easily and quickly add the Insight Agent into different containers, including ASF Tomcat. Here's a link to the documentation.


这篇关于将Spring Insight与Tomcat 6结合使用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-10 08:23